This section will collect the miscellaneous supporting technologies, systems, and design concepts employed during the Aquarius phase of development. These items fill in some of the details of Aquarian life and development and represent key areas of industry for the colony as well as likely infrastructure technology supporting colony structures.
Parent Topic[]
Peer Topics[]
- Life In Aquarius
- Seed Settlement Design Concepts
- Aquarian Intermediate Stages
- Aquarian Colony Design Concepts
- Aquarian Mariculture and Farming
- Aquarian Transportation
Sub Topics[]
- Pneumatically Stabilized Platforms - PSP
- Sea Towers
- SeaFoam
- Aquarian Digital Infrastructure
- VersaBot
- Cold Water Radiant Cooling
- Large Area Cast Acrylic Structures
- Polyspecies Mariculture
- Free-Range Fish Farming
- Algeaculture
- Terra Preta
- Cold-Bed Agriculture
- Hydroponics
- Small Space Animal Husbandry
- Tidal/Wave/Current Systems
- Algae-Based Biofuel Systems
- Vanadium Redox Systems
- Hydride Storage Systems
- Next-Generation Hydrogen Storage
- Alternative Hydrolizer Systems
- Supercritical Water Oxidation
- Plasma Waste Conversion