The Millennial Project 2.0

In this section we explore the supporting technologies of the Avalon phase of development.


  • Sky Mimicry and Spacial Ambiance Enhancement
  • Modular Industrial Platforms
  • Utilihab for Space

Parent Topic[]

Peer Topics[]


d v e AVALON
Phases Foundation Aquarius Bifrost Asgard Avalon Elysium Solaria Galactia
Cultural Evolution Transhumanism  •  Economics, Justice, and Government  •  Key Disruptive Technologies
Life In Avalon
Telerobotic Outpost Beachhead Systems  •  Soft and Rough Lander Systems  •  Stationary Cluster Systems  •  Structures  •  Outpost Structures  •  Telerobot Families  •  Automated Transportation
Excavated Colonies Excavated Settlement  • 
Avalon Transportation System Surface Shuttle Vehicles  •  Surface Transit Way-Station  •  Mass Launcher System  •  Lunar/Planetary Space Elevator Systems
Avalon Supporting Technologies
Sky Mimicry and Spacial Ambiance Enhancement  •  Modular Industrial Platforms  •  Utilihab for Space