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The Millennial Project 2.0The Millennial Project is a comprehensive plan for space development, beginning with the terrestrial cultivation of an environmentally sustainable civilization and Post-Industrial culture and culminating, far in the future, in the colonization of our immediate stellar neighborhood. The TMP2 project is specifically a project of the Living Universe Foundation community to continually update and revise the content of the original plan as described by Marshal T. Savage in his book The Millennial Project. [note: please refrain from attempting major editing without project core group approval] |
Where to start
A Brief Summary of the project
- Other TMP Related Sites
- LUF Blog
- LUFwiki
- LUF Team forums at Yahoo Groups
- OTEC News
- LUF on G+
- The Original TMP 2.0 Article Series
- Other Media
TMP 2.0 Breakdown
- Foundation Community Network
- International Open Space Initiative
- Foundation Media
- Foundation CIC
- Portfolio Development Project
- GreenStar Properties
- GreenStar Securities
- GreenStar Credit Union
- GreenStar Community Cooperative
- GreenStar Ventures
- GreenStar Industrial Cooperative
- GreenStar Aerospace
- GreenStar AgroSystems
- GreenStar Biotech
- GreenStar Codeworks
- GreenStar Construction
- GreenStar DigiTech
- GreenStar Energy
- GreenStar Materials
- GreenStar Modular Building Products
- GreenStar PharmaTech
- GreenStar Robotics
- GreenStar Telecommunications
- GreenStar Toolworks
- GreenStar Transit
- GreenStar Transportation Systems
- Aquarian Bounty
- Aquarian Marine Resources
- Asgard Mining Cooperative
- Asgard Orbital Services
- GreenStar Free-Market Exchange Network
- GreenStar Science Research Cooperative
- Foundation Communities
- Life In Aquarius
- Seed Settlement Design Concepts
- Aquarian Intermediate Stages
- Aquarian Colony Design Concepts
- Aquarian Mariculture and Farming
- Aquarian Transportation
- Aquarius Supporting Technologies
- Pneumatically Stabilized Platforms - PSP
- Sea Towers
- SeaFoam
- Aquarian Digital Infrastructure
- VersaBot
- Cold Water Radiant Cooling
- Large Area Cast Acrylic Structures
- Polyspecies Mariculture
- Free-Range Fish Farming
- Algeaculture
- Terra Preta
- Cold-Bed Agriculture
- Hydroponics
- Small Space Animal Husbandry
- Tidal/Wave/Current Systems
- Algae-Based Biofuel Systems
- Hydride Storage Systems
- Next-Generation Hydrogen Storage
- Alternative Hydrolizer Systems
- Supercritical Water Oxidation
- Plasma Waste Conversion
- Satellite Islands
- SkyScraper
- Mountain Waverider
- UltraLight SSTO
- MODroc
- Exocet
- Wizard
- LightCraft
- Marine Mass Launcher - MML
- Bifrost Space Elevator
- Bifrost Support Systems
- Life In Asgard
- Modular Unmanned Orbital Laboratory - MUOL
- Modular Unmanned Orbital Factory - MUOF
- Manned Orbital Factory - MOF
- Valhalla
- EvoHab
- Asgard SE Upstation
- Asteroid Settlements
- Inter-Orbital Way-Station
- Solar Power Satellite - SPS
- Beamship Concept
- Inter-Orbital Transport
- Cyclic Transport
- Special Mission Vessels
- Orbital Mining Systems
- The Ballistic Railway Network
- Deep Space Telemetry and Telecom Network - DST&TN
- Asgard Supporting Technologies
- Urban Tree Housing Concepts
- Asgard Digitial Infrastructure
- Inchworms
- Remotes
- Carrier Pallets
- WristRocket Personal Mobility Unit
- RocShaw Personal Mobility Units
- Pallet Truck
- ZipLine Tether Transport System
- MagTrack Transport System
- BioSuit
- SkyGarden and SkyFarm Systems
- Meat Culturing
- Microgravity Food Processors
- Pools and Baths in Orbit
- Solar Sails
- Plasma and Fusion Propulsion
- Life In Avalon
- Telerobotic Outpost
- Excavated Settlement
- Excavated Colonies
- Surface Shuttle Vehicles
- Surface Transit Way-Station
- Mass Launcher System
- Lunar/Planetary Space Elevator Systems
- Avalon Supporting Technologies
- Sky Mimicry and Spacial Ambiance Enhancement
- Modular Industrial Platforms
- Utilihab for Space
- Elysium Supporting Technologies
- Life In Solaria
- EcoSphere
- RhiZome
- BioZome
- Solar Snowflake - Sunflower - Sundisc - Solar Ribbon
- Geopolis
- Dyson Sphere
- Solarian Spacecraft
- Solaria Supporting Technologies
- Laser Molecular Conveyance
- Nuclear Isomers
- Contained Antimatter Systems
- Antimatter Propulsion
TMP Cultural Evolution
Transhumanism and TMP
Economics, Justice, and Government in TMP
- Post-Industrial Economics
- Community, Freedom, and Open-Source Law in a Stateless Future
- Problem People – Crime and Punishment in a Stateless Society
Key Disruptive Technologies of the Post-Industrial Era
- Modular Building Systems
- Desktop Manufacture and The Internet of Things
- Programmable Matter/Smart Materials
- Nanofabrication and its Evolution
- Medical, Prosthetic, and Cosmetic Applications of Nanotechnology
- Future Information Technology
- Distributed Computers and the Personal Domain
- Virtual Computers
- Control Webs, Sensor Nets, and Distributed Awareness
- Virtual Habitat Platforms
- Artificial Intelligence and its Evolution
- Active and Passive Agents and Cognitive Augmentation
- Virtual People and the Evolution of Artificial Sentience
- Possibilities and Implications of UpLift
- Nuclear Fusion
- Antimatter