The Millennial Project 2.0
(New page: Part 3 - Asgard: You will notice that I have placed Asgard ahead of Bifrost in this list, and that's to make the point that I feel its beginning is potentially concurrent with the Aquarius...)
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Part 3 - Asgard:
On The Architecture Of Asgard
You will notice that I have placed Asgard ahead of Bifrost in this
list, and that's to make the point that I feel its beginning is
potentially concurrent with the Aquarius stage and need not be
considered as starting strictly after it or relying on Bifrost to begin
it. I place more emphasis on Asgard as a key to the colonization of
space than on lunar or planetary settlements which I feel are not as
economically significant near-term.
In this piece I'd like to discuss the details of the Asgard phase and habitat and how, much like Aquarius, the architecture of the orbital colony must evolve over time from a small and unmanned structure to a kind of colony that can become the basis of an on-orbit civilization.
This phase of development has a straightforward but challenging primary
objective; the cultivation of an orbital industrial infrastructure to
enable the continued development of space. Its secondary objective is
to assay the solar system for its potential resources in advance of
possible settlement. These are simple objectives to state but the
primary one represents the single greatest logistical challenge for the
entire Millennial Project.
The space station has probably been the subject of more speculation among futurists, engineers, writers, artists, and architects than the marine colony yet, in spite of a vast and colorful spectrum of different proposed space structures, no space system or facility deployed to date has actually been designed with the practical situation of space settlement in mind. Space agencies seem to forever miss the point when it comes to space station design. The structures they deploy never make the leap from ultimately disposable Earth-dependent prefab structures to structures with a potential for practical on-orbit fabrication, let alone evolution to permanent self-supporting settlement. Space habitat design is still stuck in the 'outpost' mode of thinking.
Marshal Savage seems to have been of the belief that the lack of
progress in space development was predominately a cultural issue. Lack
of concerted effort on space development was a combination of a lack of
social will and focus as well as a squandering of resources through
consumerism, social exploitation, and the follies of geopolitics. While
that is most certainly a critically important part of the problem and
has been responsible for a drag on civilization's progress for a long
time, it is my contention that the lack of progress in space
development is largely due to the inability of space research conducted
by space programs to date to demonstrate sufficient economic potential
from space. In the absence of a post-industrial technology base of such
high sophistication as to allow the personal transport to and
independent homesteading of the space environment, the bootstrapping of
a spacefaring civilization is contingent upon its economic relevance to
the existing civilization. Or to put it simply, if you can't pay for it
out of pocket you have to pay for it with someone else's money and they
always expect a return on investment.
The priorities of exploration are rooted in the priorities of survival with life-support at the top of the list. The harsher the environment being explored the more one is compelled to bring along to maintain survival with the environment of space so harsh that, as it has often been assumed, everything needed for survival must be sent with explorers, thus necessitating the ultimate in what is essentially 'camping' gear. But the priorities of settlement are rooted in the priorities of subsistence -a very different equation. The outpost is, by definition, a temporary habitat. It is meant to function only for a short time. To provide life-support until its supplies run out or until its lines of re-supply are abandoned. The settlement is permanent and to be permanent it must cultivate an infrastructure which exploits local resources for its subsistence, turning those resources into goods to support local life-support and turning what surpluses it can generate into product it can trade for those goods it needs but cannot locally produce. Thus the tree of priorities of settlement derives not out of life-support but out of industry. Living in space means learning how to make as much as you can in space, and that includes -if not starts with- the habitat itself. Thus what is needed in the practical architecture of the permanent orbital settlement is systems of structure and construction designed specifically for on-orbit fabrication and the perpetual evolution of structure to suit changing needs. Most everything one can make needs to be made in a different way in the orbital environment and not enough -if any- effort by the government space agencies has been put into the necessary technologies of subsistence. When they think about 'subsistence' they resort to the priorities of basic survival and so devise elaborate systems for the production of food, air, and water yet overlook the even more critical and fundamental question of how one builds those systems from stuff there in the environment. THAT is the difference between temporary survival and permanent subsistence.
There are strong analogues between the settlement of space and the
settlement of the New World. Travel to the New World was as expensive
and hazardous as travel to space. Transit about the solar system is on
time scales comparable to that of intercontinental transit at the time
of initial New World settlement by Europeans. If people then could make
this work, why then has space been such a seemingly tougher challenge?
The reason may simply be that the resources of the New World were
easily assessed and easily exploited and had a large market back home
in Europe. The resources in space are abundant but not homogeneously
distributed and are separated by long distances. They are not easy to
exploit and space programs to date -driven more by objectives of
geopolitical prestige than desire for economic expansion- have utterly
failed to assess space resources and cultivate the necessary industrial
capability to exploit them. Thus the economic potential of space has
been confined to a few applications and remains largely unexplored and
speculative. Making money in space has so far been limited to what you
can put out there, not what you can bring back.
In my previous articles on Asgard I presented the concept of the EvoHab as an evolution of orbital settlement architecture beginning with the MUOL -the modular unmanned orbital habitat. In that material I discussed how the settlement of orbital space must begin with the establishment of an industrial infrastructure which, at first, has no strict need for human settlers until the scale and complexity of systems precludes the cost-effectiveness of the common satellite's scheme of planned obsolescence, thus necessitating on-demand maintenance down to a level of intricacy too elaborate for teleoperated robotics to handle. Thus the beginning of the Asgard phase is based on an unmanned teleoperated facility focused not on the priorities of human survival but on the research and development of the technologies of orbital industrial production intended to produce products for terrestrial consumption. It is from this one develops the technology and capability to produce goods for local subsistence, and thereby enables perpetual life-support for permanent human settlement. We will not rehash that previous article here. Instead, I would like to discuss in more detail the specific designs of habitats and their systems and how they must evolve over time to support the development of large orbital settlements. I envision Asgard as moving through a series of development phases not dissimilar to that of Aquarius -following a progression toward great industrial self-sufficiency but with the key difference of beginning with an unmanned automated facility, a step unnecessary for Aquarius. We'll start with the MUOL and a look into the core of its design concepts, as it originates a series of architectural ideas that will carry through the whole of the Asgard stage of TMP and into other stages as well.
Contrary to American cultural mythology, the colonization of the New
World was driven by the simple desire for wealth with the ease of
settlement depending on the ease of exploitation of resources for
export and the market value of those commodities in Europe. Just as
only multi-millionaires and government employees can now afford to go
to space, so too was travel to the New World limited. And there was no
romance about the frontier or the wilderness that typifies the notion
of frontier settlement today. The New World was a dangerous,
uncomfortable, and very far away place that just happened to have a lot
of stuff one could sell for a profit in Europe and thus there was
potential for wealth for those who could afford the capital investment
to pursue it. There was no such thing as homesteading because there was
no such thing as personal intercontinental transportation and no
pre-established infrastructure to facilitate independent survival.
Settlements were either exploratory military outposts sponsored by
governments or commercial developments financed by investors in Europe
and expected to generate a return on investment through export.
Homesteading, as the American cultural myth presents it, was primarily
a post-colonization phenomenon of western expansion which was
facilitated by pre-existing eastern coastal industrial infrastructure.
Prior to that, if you went to the New World you did so as a soldier, an
entrepreneur backed by European investors, an employee of a venture or
person, an indentured servant, or a slave. In all cases, your trip
there was paid for by someone else who expected to be paid back by what
you sent back. Most of the first wave of New World settlers had no
desire to remain there for the rest of their lives. They were there to
make money -and ideally get rich- then go back to retire in the
comforts of civilized Europe. Only bands of religious lunatics like the
Pilgrims and small communities of escaped slaves and convicts saw the
New World as any kind of haven. Subsequent waves of settlers and
children born in the New World had aspirations of re-creating the
comforts of Europe and the accouterments of wealth in their new home
(since the trip required to go to back Europe to spend one's earnings
was still far from a joy ride), relying predominately on manufactured
goods imported from the Old World and paid for by goods exported from
the New World. It wasn't until very late in the 18th century that
America actually had a fully independent industrial infrastructure
capable of producing all the diversity of goods a high standard of
living by European standards demanded -and even then import goods
remained preferred by virtue of superior manufacturing quality and
greater technological sophistication.
MUOL phase: The modular unmanned orbital laboratory is actually a very simple facility in design and concept and yet it is fundamentally different from any space structure currently or previously deployed. The basic premise of the MUOL is that of a perpetually expandable and upgradeable teleoperated orbital laboratory located either in LEO, GEO, or at the GEO up-station position of a first generation Space Elevator system. The MUOL functions as a modular 'backplane' like the passive backplane of an industrial computer, hosting laboratories and small factories in the form of self-contained modules which plug into both the frame structure of the station and a standardized service backplane which provides isolated interfaces to power, thermal management, and Internet Protocol based data communications. The MUOL structure consists of a cubic geometry space frame in the form of a box truss with a one-to-several meter module size that can expand in any direction. It uses special quick-connect frame node components which provide the primary attachment points for all other components using mechanically locked bayonet connectors. The struts of the truss provide a secondary series of attachment points, using clamp connectors. With its nodes as the primary attachment points, the geometry of the space frame defines the basic geometry of all the components attaching to it, the majority taking the form of simple boxes slightly smaller in base dimensions than the cubic module size of the space frame.
What made New World settlement possible -if not all that easy- was not
just the abundance of resources but their homogeneity in distribution.
New World entrepreneurs were looking for goods that already existed and
had high values on the European market. Using the assay data provided
by military outposts and government sponsored exploration, they sought
out first those commodities which were closest at-hand wherever on the
coasts the ships could bring them and which had the lowest processing
overhead to prepare and package for export. This typically meant things
like animal furs and lumber or items gained in trade with the natives
initially and then the products of agriculture produced from land
cleared by the other activities, leading to plantation estates built on
the European estate model. And it greatly helped that critical
construction materials for housing and processing facilities were
at-hand as well. America could have been a giant island of solid gold,
but without any trees, animals, and potential slave labor on it
up-front investment costs and attrition rates for ventures seeking to
collect that gold would have been so high as to make the investment in
such ventures impractical at the European market rate for gold. This,
of course, is exactly the same argument many people make today about
the great volumes of resources locked up in the asteroid belts.
The initial configuration of the station would be based on a simple box truss beam growing from seed package consisting of a carrier pallet with initial core command/communication module, a service robot, and a container of truss components. This initial beam would establish a basic organization with service systems using the perimeter edge and space-facing side of the station while 'client' modules use the earth-facing side of the station. As the station grows the initial beam form would be expanded into a plane truss in both length and width with axial truss booms to host solar, radiator, and telecom modules.
Another key thing that made New World colonization possible was -oddly
enough- the invention of insurance underwriting. Before insurance
became the rather specialized and heavily bureaucratic series of
institutions it is today, it was used as a means of personal investment
that leveraged credit for high risk business ventures by spreading
their risk among as many people as possible. All travel by ship in the
age of sail was extremely hazardous and attrition rates for shipping
were very high. Travel to places like the New World or the Far East
took so much time and money that a merchant might only ever make a
relatively small number of such trips in a lifetime. It was comparable
to what one would face today in going to the outer planets or asteroid
belts to seek your fortune. So much was thus tied up in these merchant
ventures that one trip could make or break you for life. And with the
risk of failure so high, only a very few very wealthy people could take
that risk. To grow trade a mechanism was needed to make such overseas
ventures more attractive to larger numbers of potential investors and a
solution was devised in the form of insurance underwriting. This was
essentially a kind of gambling. Though attrition rates were high, most
of the time these intercontinental trade ventures succeeded. So if a
company could spread out the risk among a really large pool of people
betting just a tiny amount of money each their individual risk would be
negligible but, over the long term, everybody would see a steady rate
of growth. So the 'underwriter' pools were formed to insure individual
ventures against their potential losses in the event of failure, not
investing money, just insuring against losses and earning a profit on
that service at a rate variable to the calculated risk. This made these
ventures safer investments and so more people could invest in these
trips and intercontinental trade could grow, making everybody in this
hierarchical partnership wealthier. This was an invention as
significant as the invention of the sailing ship itself and it
encouraged investment in advances in shipping technology intended to
make the odds on ventures better -such as the invention of the portable
chronometer that made longitudinal celestial navigation possible.
Service of the station is performed using a series of 'inch worm' telerobotic arms which have dual modular end-effectors and connect to the station using modular anchor and tool pallet modules that plug into the station service backplane. Both ends of these 'inch worms' are identical, their end effectors plugging into either anchor modules or tools. This allows the robot arm to reposition about the station by 'walking' from one anchor module to another. In addition to these robots, the station is maintained by several 'service' modules which include deployable solar panel, radiator, thruster, telecom/network management, component storage, and shield panel modules.
With such advantages to help, New World settlement became a
straightforward business proposition that earned a lot of money. But
one can, of course, have too much of a good thing. By flooding the
European market with those abundant at-hand commodities near them, New
World settlements often painted themselves into a corner. The more they
and other settlements exported the more they lowered the market price
in Europe for those goods and thus the more they had to export to make
the same profit. Eventually the market value of goods might decline to
where unit profit was insufficient to cover the unit volume cost of
their transport back to Europe. If the profit one can earn on a
ship-load of sugar cane is less than the cost of hiring the ship, you
make no money. Similarly, once one depleted a nearby region of known
high-profit at-hand goods one would then have to shift to the lower
value stuff or spend more money to go further inland. But unless one
could either lower the shipping cost or increase the value of the
product one would, again, end up having to ship much more to make the
same money. This fundamental problem is what compelled the creation of
an independent industrial infrastructure in the New World. In the
absence of any radical improvement in shipping technology, to
cost-justify transport to Europe in this situation one's export goods
needed to be increased in market value. One had to find a way to add
value to them in order to make the amount one could fit on a ship
valuable enough to generate a substantial profit on top of the shipping
overhead. You did that by increasing the degree of local processing of
goods to make them into more highly refined forms. For instance, the
market value of a ship-load of cotton or sugar cane might no longer be
high enough to cover the cost of transport, but turn that cotton into
cloth or that cane into rum and now the same volume of product has
increased in market value by an order of magnitude, making the shipping
overhead once again nominal. To do that one needed technology and
workforce. One had to create more sophisticated processing facilities
and bring in the workforce to operate them. To make these machines, one
needed more sophisticated tools and manufacturing capability and a
trained workforce. This capability now enabled the local production of
more of the kinds of manufactured goods that previously required import
-lowering the market value of those import goods and thus improving the
buying power of export profits.
Being a non-pressurized station there is no need for special docking structures to provide access to it. All transit to the station would be provided by the use of 'carrier pallets' which are simple chassis structures which components plug-into for transport and which have their own propulsion systems, embedded flight control intelligence, and teleoperated control systems. These pallets would be designed to fly to within reach of the station robots which capture them, plug them temporarily into the station frame, and remove their cargo then later reuse them for de-orbit of waste material. Some may be designed for recovery, featuring reentry shield and recovery components. In some cases specialized recovery units may be supplied to the station or even attached to specific modules. This approach would allow the station to be serviced by any existing launch systems without adaptation, affording it the largest diversity of potential transit systems it is likely to have in it history. Even modest systems such as today's Pegasus launch systems could effectively support this station. And it is well suited to the very modest carrying capacities of first generation Space Elevator climber systems.
Thus we arrive at the pattern of growth that has defined the history of
America; increasing industrialization and urbanization along the east
coast coupled to steady expansion westward in search of more inland
resources to exploit and previous resources were depleted. This process
culminated -sometime in the 19th century- at a threshold where the
domestic market demand for manufactured goods exceeded the export
market, with Europe having very little left it could sell to the New
World that she couldn't make herself with equal quality and at a
cheaper price. The East coast became the venture capitalist and
high-tech goods supplier to the West and the Old World is was forced to
move on to other parts of the world in search of trading partners of
lesser industrial sophistication to exploit.
The station's command and control architecture mirrors its physical architecture. The station is essentially a completely homogenous network structure based on an Internet Protocol WAN and the use of embedded intelligence in all modules. There is no central control computer on the station. It's core computer systems serve primarily for network support services and latency-sensitive higher-level control and are integrated in its telecommunications service modules. Everything else relies on web-controllers -embedded computers which feature a simple built-in web server that hosts a virtual control panel for manual operation of the module and which can also communicate in byte-code commands which can be managed and generated by other higher-level programs called 'sequencers' which can control groups of modules collectively and can run either in systems on the ground or on the station's core computers -and in some situations on the service module's own web servers. In this way control and management of the station is distributed across systems both on board the station and on the ground and with the IP network infrastructure providing innumerable options for redundant communications and control routing. A much more reliable and efficient architecture than the more typical systems in spacecraft which rely on too much dedication and centralization of discrete control links, leading to concentrated failure points, a waste of much physical mass, and control network hardware that is very difficult to service. This architecture would also be employed for all the lab and factory modules installed on the station, using a second isolated IP network which hosts VPN channels for the individual station clients. This command and control architecture is a very important feature. I envision it being mirrored in the utilities infrastructure of just about every kind of facility employed in the overall scheme of TMP (I've already described how it would be used for the utilities systems of Aquarius) and being the basis of launch control systems and the command and control systems of later spacecraft.
So, what does this little history lesson have to do with space? Well,
it sums up the essential problems and strategies of space colonization.
If you want to settle space you either wait until the late Diamond Age
for everyone to be able to launch their own personal spacecraft grown
like a plant out of landfills and the excess carbon in the air, or you
figure out how to pay for the cost of transit to space through a return
on its capital investment. Our culture today doesn't tolerate the kind
of social exploitation that typified New World colonization
(contemporary hegemonies are more subtle about their social
exploitation these days...) but we're still looking at a need for more
money than most people see in a lifetime to travel to and live in space
and therefore a need to go into debt to get there. But, unlike the New
World, at-hand resources in any spot in the solar system are not
particularly diverse and require much processing to make usable. The
rest of the solar system hasn't had the benefit of vast biospheres
working for billions of years to do a lot of raw materials refinement
for free. Everything out there is like that previously mentioned rock
island of gold. You have all the resources you need, but none are in a
convenient form and all of them are on separate islands far away from
each other. To make this work you need to be going out there with
sophisticated industrial capability to turn that raw material into
usable refined material. Unfortunately, even those refined materials
still aren't going to be valuable enough on Earth to justify the
transport costs to and from Earth to collect them. To make something
with any market value on Earth, you need to process it into some pretty
sophisticated products, despite the fact that no single location in
space is likely to offer you all the raw materials this requires. And
long term -when your production starts to actually cut into your
profits by driving down market values- you need to radically increase
efficiency by reducing imports from Earth and reducing transport to a
one-way proposition, since it costs so much more to send a vehicle on a
two-way trip from Earth to collect your product than it does to send
one on a one-way trip down to deliver it. And lets not forget that
insurance underwriting thing. Lloyds of London -last of the original
New World shipping underwriters- doesn't yet insure anything in space
but satellites because that's the only thing anyone has proven they can
make money with -and lately they've been dodgy about continuing to do
that due to waves of failures by new launch systems and aging old ones.
The design of client modules -those modules which are provided by lease space tenants of the station- starts with the geometry of the space frame and the interface to the service backplane. Sizes of modules are limited to multiples of the space frame module size and can assume most any shape within the bounds of this grid, but must be unified rather than sprawling shapes. As noted before, the service backplane provides 'isolated' interface to power, communications, and thermal regulation. This is performed through optical, inductive, and passive thermal exchange interfaces which insure that the internal plumbing and electronics of the client modules remain isolated from that of the station. This is done to insure that power overloads in client modules and other types of failures do not cause further damage to the station or adjacent client modules. Client modules may be disposable (having a fixed duty life and a fixed built-in reserve of supplies), recoverable (being returned whole to the earth for product collection, analysis, and refurbishing), or perpetual using modular cartridges for resupply and recovery of product. There are three basic forms of client modules; rack modules, open pallets, and enclosed modules.
No single location in space has ANY potential in its material resources
alone for a ROI. Their raw materials have very little and declining
market value on Earth while no one place has the full diversity of
materials needed for the manufacturing of very sophisticated goods. So
to sustainably settle space you need to establish a resource collection
and distribution network across vast areas of space; a comprehensive
solar-system-spanning orbital industrial infrastructure. This is not
possible right away due to the scale of the industry and transportation
required. One needs to be able to cultivate this incrementally. So at
the start you are forced to leap-frog to a level of industrial
sophistication where your processing capability alone -the
sophistication, and hence market value, of space-exclusive products you
make- can generate an initial ROI even relying on a constant supply of
raw materials from Earth! You have to use the environmental features of
the space environment, rather than any material resources, as the the
primary at-hand resource to exploit. It's as though colonization of
America was founded on the exclusive hand-craft of native Americans
rather than any of its natural resources, or like settling the New
World with an Osaka or Tsukuba rather than a New Holland. (There's
precedent for this. Far East trade was sustained on the commodities of
silk and sophisticated ceramics which Europeans had the necessary raw
materials to make but none of the technology or environmental
conditions for. Iceland today has its industrial economy based largely
on luring companies to it just for the cheap electricity and modest
taxes) Then, to keep maintaining your ROI despite the decline in market
value caused by your own production -and competition from terrestrial
manufacturers advancing their capability- you have to reinvest your
profits to seek out cheaper resources in the rest of the solar system
to replace your Earth-imported materials and service parts to reduce
your production overhead. In doing this -incrementally and over an
extended period of time- you establish the necessary resource
distribution network and diversified industrial infrastructure that can
obsolesce most Earth import altogether. You are then ready to settle
space in earnest by creating new nexuses in your resource network in
other parts of the solar system which create an increasingly
Earth-independent market.
Rack modules are the smallest of client modules and would rely on a special rack carrier pallet module designed to host them. They would be similar in form to rack mount electronic equipment but use a quick-connect interface and a standard end-effector attachment point to make installation and removal by the service robots easier. Rack carrier pallets would offer bay space that is either partially enclosed or fully open, depending on the need for access to the space environment or views of the earth.
Now, some currently believe that the high value product to start this
with is tourism. My feeling is that, though potentially profitable, the
market for that isn't big enough for a task of this scale. Tourism may
produce enough ROI to be sustainable at a very small scale. It may make
a small handful of entrepreneurs wealthy. But you can't radically grow
that industry without radically improving its bottom line through space
sourced materials and on-orbit manufactured goods. That requires an
industrial capability of scale so large it exceeds what the scale of
the tourism market can justify. Right now, you can only improve the
bottom line for tourism by making launch costs cheaper, and that too
has a capital investment overhead greater than the market for tourism
can likely sustain. It's sort of like having a B&B on a small island
linked only by an expensive yacht. You could earn much more money with
the B&B if people could drive to the island in a car rather than ride
in this yacht but the distance from the shore is so great that the B&B
would have to expand to the scale of Disneyworld to afford the bridge.
Where does the capital investment for that large a leap come from?
Cheap launch costs will certainly make access to space easier and
reduce the capital investment to start doing serious business there.
But the key is that orbital industrial infrastructure able to exploit
the resources about the solar system. Launch costs could be free and
its still wouldn't eliminate the high capital cost of building that
infrastructure. My feeling is that this task needs products with a
market so large it penetrates directly or indirectly into every
household on Earth -like the chips in computers and TVs, the drugs
people take day to day, the communications systems they use, the
vehicles they ride in. Something as significant to progress on Earth as
the introduction of the transistor was and yet totally exclusive to
in-space production.
Open pallet modules are those full modules which are intended primarily for access to the space environment -most likely for experiments in materials that need space exposure. They would tend to be relatively rare.
That's a pretty tall order. How do we pull this off? This is the
question Asgard has to answer and I see the solution in the form of the
Modular Unmanned Orbital Laboratory; a small teleoperated space station
in LEO or GEO based on a modular space frame 'backplane' using
self-contained modular laboratory units whose purpose is orbital
industrial research using a leased space business model. There are
other design options based on launching more conventional large 'tin
can' habitat components or adapting fuel tanking into lab enclosures
and using temporary manned flights of construction and repair
technicians, but I've favored this most minimalist of designs because
it can be supported by the largest variety of launch systems, including
those of very small payload capacity.
Enclosed modules would be the primary form of full module and would generally consist of simple containers that house self-contained teleoperated labs and, later, factories. Their enclosure is chosen as a way to either protect the internal systems from the space environment or to allow for a pressurized environment -in most cases, pressurized units likely to employ a nitrogen-only atmosphere. Though not allowed to sprawl in shape individually, a lab can employ multiple modules with transfer ports between them, allowing for the creation of a sprawling complex of individual modules which each house an individual workstation. In this way later factories could develop assembly lines of specialized process workstation modules. The internal configuration of these modules is likely to follow a simple pattern. If dedicated to a relatively simple task based on simple systems of high reliability, a more monolithic internal structure may be used. If based on more complex systems or designed for a broad spectrum of activities, a more open-interior design would be used to accommodate one or more internal service robots which would be used to perform internal module maintenance and move supplies and product around between different points inside the module. This would tend to be common with larger modules, using central face mounted fixed position robots or, as the modules get progressively larger, single or multiple robots on centralized transverse rails running through the core of the module. Normally, the internal maintenance of any module would be left to its internal systems. The exterior service robots would be used only for the exchange of external plug-in supply and recovery cartridges. But it is possible that some modules may feature access ports to allow the external service robot access to the interior through the use of a special micro-manipulator tool head.
The MUOL is to Asgard what the ARcondo is to Aquarius. Is is the seed
settlement which establishes the economic foundation of its incremental
development into progressively larger and multiple facilities. The MUOL
seeks to cultivate research in the materials and fabrication techniques
that lead to the identification of potential high value products
exploiting the space environment for their production. Once some are
identified, this then offers initial on-orbit factory space based on
teleoperated factory modules deriving from the same technology as the
research modules. The MUOL is unmanned simply because, for the tasks it
performs, the virtues of a live-in on-board staff of technicians,
relative to the current performance of teleoperated systems, aren't
cost-justified. And by eliminating on-board technicians and keeping
systems to very small component scales the facility can be built and
supported with very modest launch capability, thus maximizing the range
of companies and countries with potential access to it for their
research and increasing the odds of product development breakthrough.
It can also supplement its revenue by conventional telecommunications
service based on the competitive virtue of systems with perpetual
upgrade and repair capability,
One of the interesting aspects of the MUOL concept is that proof of concept for the facility doesn't require orbital deployment. A largely functional mock-up of the station can be readily constructed on the ground, making it relatively easy to engineer its systems, test their performance, demonstrate the station operations, and generally greatly reduce the cost of R&D for the project. The one limitation in this ground based testing is the inability to support high-mass object manipulation due to the complications of gravity but low-mass dummy objects can still be used as analogs with high mass characteristics simulated in software, along with the effects of communications latency. Much PR value can be obtained from this functional mock-up as it makes both the station itself tangible and can perfectly simulate the installation, service, communications conditions of operation clients can expect for their lab projects.
Now, the MUOL doesn't preclude tourism activity. By itself, it's
unmanned and would have no need for live-aboard technicians for a long
time. But there's nothing wrong with also pursuing tourism activity and
making the most of the same technology. Tourism may not be sufficient
for the Asgard objectives by itself but it can make some money
initially and any source of revenue is certainly helpful. Certainly,
many of the same larger scale launch systems can readily support both
tourism and MUOL use, although the former would have to come at a much
higher cost. And the same technology can be adapted to simple manned
habitats either at the MUOL site or in separate sites. Transhab habitat
systems are the most likely current choice of habitat architecture for
tourism applications and this is a technology fully compatible with the
'backplane' architecture of the MUOL. If the investment is there, their
concurrent development may be practical, though ultimately the MUOL's
industrial activity should win-out.
MUOF phase: Since the ultimate goal of the MUOL is the development of industrial techniques resulting in the on-orbit manufacture of products it must ultimately evolve into a robust factory facility -or more precisely an industrial 'campus' playing host to a number of manufacturing operations. Initial orbital factory systems will be quite similar in nature to the laboratory systems first deployed on the MUOL but more dedicated in function with the option to spread serial production processes among multiple modules or to deploy modules of progressively larger scale. However, the initial MUOL systems -though easily replaceable and upgradeable- are still based on a duty life model similar to that of telecommunications satellites where planned obsolescence is based on statistical mean-time between failures and where whole module replacement is considered a more practical option than on-site repair -if not the only option for very small components. But as production systems increase in scale and the products produced on-orbit become commodities this approach becomes less cost-effective. Larger facilities have longer periods of amortization for their investment yet at the same time mean-time between failures shrink. Downtime periods become increasingly costly the larger the production volume and the more narrow the profit margin on goods produced. Planned obsolescence of whole facilities becomes impractical and, instead, the factory must increase in serviceability in order to allow perpetual sub-component level maintenance.
But how does an unmanned research station turn into the vast manned
Asgard orbital settlement? At a certain scale of industrial production
the scale and complexity of manufacturing systems required makes the
duty-life of disposable factory modules too short relative to the cost
of whole module replacement while at the same time the cost of launch
for the larger modules goes up. This is a factor that has strictly
limited expansion in the satellite industry. The more money one has
tied-up in a single piece of hardware the higher the economic risk in
its failure when you can't go up to space to repair it. This risk is
especially high during initial deployment due to the untested nature of
the hardware and the severe shock it must withstand during launch. Thus
it becomes more cost-effective to assemble the larger factory from
numerous small components and maintain them through perpetual repair
-not to mention reducing down-time by on-demand repair. To a large
degree this strategy can still be accommodated with telerobotics by
specializing the function of the discrete factory modules and using
them in interconnected complexes rather than a single whole unit. But
this kind of construction and maintenance still approaches the limits
of practical telerobotic performance. Thus at a certain point the use
of human technicians starts to become cost-competitive. This need for
the use of human staff is later expanded by the growing demand for
improvement in the orbital factory's bottom line through the
exploitation of on-orbit materials, and the subsequent need to create
yet again another more sophisticated generation of facilities. More
complex and time-critical work means more demand for human workers.
This requires the creation of a sophisticated 'ecology' of industrial
activities which would combine teleoperation where human labor isn't
cost-justified and direct hands-on work where it is. To fully minimize
the on-orbit production overhead one needs to both source materials
from elsewhere in space to supply production and also manufacture
components on-orbit for the expansion and replacement of factories and
the production of vehicles to deliver the export products and gather
materials. One's goal is to reduce orbital production to on-way
traffic; just the product coming down. This involves a host of
activities which are likely to become the province of many individual
ventures establishing a food-chain of products and services offering
many opportunities for entrepreneurship.
This situation is likely to result in the evolution of a new kind of orbital factory; a built-up structure that employs the basic components of the MUOL to create larger enclosures hosting full scale MUOL modules as modular subsystems within the factory structure. This Modular Unmanned Orbital Factory or MUOF would be sheltered behind a hull of modular plug-in shield panels or, if pressurized, employ a TransHab style pneumatic hull system inside which the structural space frame is assembled. Non-pressurized enclosures would tend to take on rectilinear or prismatic polygon shapes and have their components arrayed primarily along their inner walls. Transhab units would be cylindrical in shape with smaller units concentrating factory component modules along a central core truss and larger ones replacing the core truss with a perimeter space frame allowing for an inner-wall arrangement similar to the unpressurized factories. New node components, accommodating new structural geometries, would be employed to support these new larger enclosure shapes. The MUOF would employ its own internal robots similar to the external service robots in their scale and multi-function capability along with higher precision robots intended for a much smaller scale of inspection and servicing. It may also have its own docking ports for access by more specialized reusable service vehicles.
We start with the raw materials sources themselves. Gathering raw
materials in space involves the prospecting of various parts of the
solar system -starting initially with near-Earth asteroids and natural
debris fields, periodic debris swarms like the seasonal meteor showers,
man-made space junk, and the Moon. A space mining venture would
maintain a fleet of teleoperated orbital radar telescope, probe,
mining, and intercept vehicles which are used to seek out and collect
unrefined materials and return them to a station, either in unrefined
or semi-refined form. The long transit times for operating these
vehicles precludes manned operation but they require complex servicing
on-orbit when they return, because for economy they must employ
minimalist structural designs that cannot withstand Earth entry or
launch. There may be many of these ventures working in different
'territories' of the solar system -much like the asteroid homesteaders
envisioned by Savage but with no need or practical capability for
on-asteroid habitation at this early stage. They may first simply seek
to gather loose nearby debris and bring it back to the station, perhaps
by attaching it to a thruster which can push it whole and guide it to
the station. Over time they may seek out and collect progressively
larger objects or they may create mining vehicles which temporarily
'land' on an asteroid, collect material like a bucket-wheel excavator,
and return it in a large container. Later, it may become more practical
to camp hardware in a remote location for extended period, shaving it
down, partially refining it, and packing it into standardized blocks or
reusable containers attached to simple reusable thruster pallets or
frames to shuttle it back to the station. This would be a likely
strategy for larger asteroids and the Moon. This type of mining could
be facilitated by early generation nanomachines, using nano-chip arrays
to 'eat' rather than dig or cut material, sorting it into key
molecules, and extruding it as a block cut into section. A much lower
energy technique with smaller lighter equipment that may last much
longer by eliminating the wear of friction. Or perhaps some may attempt
to steer large asteroids whole to lunar or Earth orbits for easier
processing. In all these cases, prospectors are looking at very
extended periods of transit and thus a heavy reliance on teleoperation.
Like a farmer with very long seasons to cope with, they must plan
operations over extended periods of time -decades- to maintain a
consistent incoming flow of material and will have a great deal of
capital tied up in a diversity of hardware which must operate for long
periods and be recyclable at the end of their duty life.
The MUOF frame structures would be a direct extension of the original MUOL frame structure, though utilities would still be isolated from that of the station at large. Individual MUOF structures would be arranged on the station much as the earlier individual MUOL modules were, with the client facilities on the Earth-facing side and the service facilities on the space facing side. However, as MUOF facilities eventually dominate the mass of the station the primary structure of the station will begin to see a transformation. Openings through the primary plane truss would be used to allow MUOFs to exchange containerized goods through the truss rather than over and around the Earth-facing side. This would become necessary as the surface area of the station's plane truss becomes quite large and the space-facing side of the structure becomes used increasingly as a mustering area for cargo, dedicating robots to primarily cargo handling and edge space to the docking of reusable vehicles in addition to the disposable carrier pallets. The wider the area of the plane truss the longer transit spans become and the more robots that become engaged in cargo handling. This may eventually result in a 'folding' of the station into a radial prismatic structure with a square, hexagonal, or other polygonal section to make cargo transit easier, giving the station an overall form akin to that of individual MUOF facilities but on a larger scale and creating a large hollow interior bay used primarily as a storage and transit corridor for product and a docking facility for spacecraft. This would become important with the advent of reusable service spacecraft of progressively larger scale, these requiring progressively more specialized docking structures. This shift to a radial station form could also result in a shift in orientation of the station with one bay end Earth-facing and the other space-facing. solar arrays congregating to the space-facing end and telecom structures congregating on the Earth-facing end.
Refinement of the raw materials delivered to the station on orbit would
become the basis of another venture which must maintain its own
processing facilities and which buys or trades for its feed stock from
the prospectors and mining ventures and resells them for profit to
manufacturers. This may comprise a family of ventures each specializing
is certain material areas which can share similar processing equipment
and switch production to accommodate variations in the composition with
incoming materials. Over time some refinement may be more practical to
do closer to the source because it improved transit efficiency by
improving the mass-to-value ratio, making transport more cost
effective. It is in that factor that the foundation of new future
settlements is based.
This MUOF phase may also see the first experiments in the acquisition and processing of materials in space for on-orbit supply of feed stocks for factory production or the fabrication of structural components. A logical choice of initial source of raw material for such experimentation is the earth orbit itself, with its swarms of debris from past space activity. The clearing of this debris is also a valuable commercial service by itself, which the MUOL operation can profit on in service charges to governments while obtaining these raw materials. Two strategies for the recovery of this orbital debris are likely. One is to adapt MUOL carrier pallet vehicles into reusable inter-orbit vehicles equipped with capture mechanisms and manipulators and which use solar powered tether booster systems for primary propellent-free propulsion. The recent advent of nanofiber mats as a non-chemical adhesive may allow for the creation of new capture methods for small debris based on large flexible paddles or petals. Another approach is beam steering, where a constellation of orbital lasers or particle beams is used to target and alter the trajectory of debris (using their own molecular ejecta as propellant) in order to guide it to large capture stations. Sophisticated new recycling techniques would be needed to convert this material into usable feedstocks, though a high proportion of aluminum alloys among space debris may make this a bit easier. And new kinds of storage structures based on the MUOF approach to construction would be needed. In any case, these experiments would provide very useful experience for later development of orbital mining systems.
The refined materials are then sold or traded on a local on-station
market to manufacturers specializing in different kinds of components
and products. Some would be making products for export to Earth. Others
would be producing the components for the construction and maintenance
of all industries on the station, the vehicles used, the structure of
the station itself, it's life support materials. The diversity of
domestic industrial production would be very great but its scale would
be small. Export products would be produced in bulk. many domestic
goods produced on-demand. Again, the drive to improve the mass-to-value
ratio means some kinds of manufactured goods may be more cost
effectively produced near their source while at the same time the
employ of post-industrial technology makes finished product production
cheaper and more efficient the closer it is done to the consumer.
Again, more impetus for the expansion of settlement through the
increasing dispersal of industrial capability.
In this phase, or shortly before it, we can also expect to see the MUOL technology begin to be employed in the on-orbit construction of new larger satellites and interplanetary exploration craft -and possibly manned craft as well. The MUOL's technology offers the option to deploy spacecraft of any scale regardless of the launch capability one has available because it becomes so easy to assemble spacecraft on-orbit from the very same kinds of components used to build the MUOL itself. The variety of spacecraft that could be built in this way is unlimited and by the addition of transhab habitat modules -as well as a new manned-system component rating- it is a simple matter to make them manned spacecraft. While the unmanned spacecraft might assume a vast assortment of configurations the manned spacecraft are likely to have their configurations dominated by the transhab units with the most likely forms based on truss beams passing through the transhab units and with propulsion and functional systems on booms at either end. By varying the scale of the core truss and the habitat modules, a quite diverse range of manned mission vehicles could be realized with this simple configuration. Thus in this phase we may expect the MUOL to spawn quite an impressive menagerie of systems and vehicles with applications ranging from telecommunication platforms to prototype space solar power systems to manned missions to the Moon and Mars and unmanned missions to the asteroids and outer planets -all using essentially the same technology and all assembled on orbit at the MUOL and similar facilities.
Finally we have the meta-venture serving them all; the leased space
venture which began with the MUOL -actually, with the Foundation CIC-
and which provides space, power, and life support for all the ventures
housed in the station and -perhaps even more importantly- seed
investment. This is where the marine development phase and the scale of
its activities becomes very important. As the ultimate financial
instrument of TMP the Foundation CIC is basically relying on the profit
sharing and revenue reinvestment spread over everything else it does on
Earth -every business it holds shares of, every property it earns a
profit on, every resident who puts his savings into Foundation stock or
who earns and owns stock through ESOPs and CSOPs from companies the CIC
is co-invested in- to aid in the finance of initial ventures in space.
Everything Asgard does in space must earn a profit to pay for itself.
But investment capital -and for that matter insurance underwriting-
doesn't come out of thin air. The more Foundation holds and manages on
Earth, the less risky the investment in Asgard becomes, the more
challenging your venture, the bigger the financial infrastructure you
need behind it. By this stage Foundation is serving as investor and
underwriter for TMP.
Asgard Outpost phase: As orbital factories continue to grow in scale and complexity they begin to approach the limits of telerobotics to perform efficient repair and maintenance. LEO facilities actually have a worse time of it as they suffer much greater and varying latency in their telecommunications links than GEO facilities because of the movement of LEO objects relative to operations centers on the ground. Clever engineering to match the task to the tools along with steady advances in robotics will allow for practical teleoperation for a long time but at a certain point it is likely that the cost of manning the station with technicians will start to become nominal compared to the economic losses incurred due to the limitations of telerobotics. It is at this point the MUOL will begin its evolution toward a manned orbital colony, starting with an outpost facility. This would be an 'outpost' facility because, at this stage of development and available technology, it is unlikely to be able to host a permanent resident population. It has not yet established the orbital resource exploitation infrastructure necessary to independently support a resident population -and the medical technology to allow this in the absence of artificial gravity may not yet be available. So at the beginning of this phase, at least, the station will be home to human crew on rotation, usually spending no more than weeks at a time and totally dependent upon the earth for its continual re-supply much like today's existing primitive space stations. This community would be akin to that of oil rig workers, though these would be much more highly trained individuals. They would most likely be housed in Transhab-style station modules, probably using the same structures developed for pressurized MUOF use. Current experimental Transhab modules -originally developed with the International Space Station in mind- have tended to be over-complex and over-massed in their design. They are based on the use of a 'deck' division which have never made a lot of sense in a microgravity environment. Thus the pneumatic habitat enclosure likely employed here would be much simpler in design, using a MUOL truss core with end-cap bulkheads that plug directly into the external truss structure as well as connector modules similarly matched to the truss geometry. All internal systems and fixtures would be retrofit to the truss core, some structures branching off of it. If it becomes necessary to employ the area of the inner wall of the pneumatic hull for equipment mounting, a perimeter internal space frame structure would be employed for equipment attachment, just as in pressurized MUOFs.
Just as at the culmination of New World settlement, at a certain point
the domestic on-station production of goods matches the full diversity
of demand of its local market for goods and when that happens the
domestic market has potentially more value than income from export
since the value of Earth-import goods on that domestic market drops.
This turns the domestic market into the new driving force of further
in-space expansion. Settlements are planned according to their
logistical potential within and anticipated solar-system-wide resource
distribution scheme and developed, with initial infrastructure and
facilities, by the Foundation CIC in concert with its hosted companies.
The other ventures then move in as tenants as their service/product
demands warrant relative to settlement growth. Lather, rinse, repeat,
ad infinitum. Each new settlement will tend to be predicated on the
advantages in producition based on location, which basically comes down
to the issue of orbital mechanics, communications latency, and the
mass-to-value ratio of goods. One cannot effectively exploit the outer
asteroid belts or Oort cloud from a location on Earth or Earth orbit
because the latency in communication makes teleoperation impractical.
Thus one must stage operations among localized facilities, creating a
new local market and thus the impetus for new settlement. This is the
same premise which created in-land cities in the developing US west.
These outpost worker's primary job would be MUOF maintenance and, for the most part, this would still be done telerobotically relying simply on the technician's proximity to eliminate telecom latency. However, they would also be able to physically enter MUOF facilities when needed or could have components removed to the interior of their habitat for hands-on repair in a shirt-sleeve environment.
How would Asgard physically transition from the MUOL to this
diversified manned habitat? Transhab systems used in tourism would be a
fine start, but they have strict limitations in practical scale,
flexibility, and duty life. They're more efficient than the tin-can
habitats but they have many of the same limitations. Savage's vision of
Asgard was spot-on in its concept of using pneumatic hull systems to
allow for a minimalist structural composition which would make station
construction easier and less dependent upon the maximum scale of launch
vehicles. Savage brilliantly anticipated the virtues and evolution of
this technology and correctly concluded that the essential flaw in
orbital habitat design to date has been a reliance on over-elaborate
structures that are difficult to impossible to fabricate in an orbital
environment. But there are some things about the original Asgard design
concept that are fanciful or based on non-existing technology that
remain purely speculative. And there are open questions remaining about
the realistic possibilities of clinical solutions to the negative
health effects of the zero-g environment on human physiology. Savage
may ultimately be absolutely correct, but one cannot base practical
designs on speculation. Thus the practical Asgard needs an architecture
that can hedge one's bet by accommodating -at lowest cost- whatever
basic life support requirements ultimately pan-out -which is a little
tricky considering that this remains a moving target.
The initial manned habitat would be quite crude due to the need to maximize the amount of utility from habitat modules which may be quite small and be completely devoid of actual windows -relying on much cheaper and safer video windows. Crews would be small and there would be minimal privacy -but, thankfully, duty periods would be relatively short and technicians would spend most of their time waiting for failures -most scheduled maintenance still being done from the ground. The habitat modules would interface to the station essentially the same way as MUOF facilities would with workers using the service face or bay of the structure during the rare EVA or possibly deploying pneumatic access tunnels to pressurized MUOF structures.
The biggest esthetic attraction and also the biggest technical sticking
point for the original Asgard design is the use of a very large
transparent water filled membrane pneumatic hull system. The symbolism
here is poweful. The basic aesthetic idea is the notion of truly living
in space, adapted to the character of its environment. With its
transparent bubble blurring the boundary between inside and outside,
one is truly living in a space environment. At smaller scales,
pneumatic hull technology is a very practical concept. At large scales,
it's still feasible but there remain a long list of open questions
about this proposed technology. Little is known today about the physics
of liquid filled structures of such scale in a zero-g environment. We
know that the problems associated with the transfer of liquid fuels on
orbit still haven't been solved. The potential transparency of this
hull is in doubt. Temperature extremes in space are so great that one
must greatly shield the water from thermal changes or it will be going
from frozen solid to super-heated steam across the hull surface. Any
reflective coatings one uses reduces the transparency of the material
which, when coupled to the thickness of the water needed to provide
effective radiation shielding (especially in GEO), means a hull that
may be translucent at best. What may ultimately be needed here is not a
transparent material but a light transmitting structure.
This phase could also see the introduction of a tourism facility based on similar habitat systems -or the development of a largely separate tourism outpost. This would most certainly be limited to a LEO position at this phase. Most tourism station proposals have tended to be rather elaborate but, realistically, they would tend to have to start out with the same kind of simple habitat technology employed for MUOF maintenance workers. Thus I envision a simple facility consisting of a simple 'star' shaped array of Transhab modules around a central docking hub with the possible addition of large window hatches at the module ends and perhaps a large specially constructed observation cupola in the form of a large transparent semi-sphere. That cupola would be one of the most expensive (perhaps as much as the whole rest of the tourism facility combined) features of the tourist facility -both in terms of its fabrication and transportation. But it would be a key attraction because it would offer a space-walk experience with a shirt-sleeve environment. Another possible feature would be a 'space sphere' where a conventional but large and spherical transhab module with no central core truss is deployed as a large open recreational space.
How this hull structure is fabricated in situ is the biggest technical
problem with this concept of all. A structure so large is not possible
to create entirely inside a space station (you can only make things
within a space station as large as the hatches they have to pass
through to get out of it) and pneumatic hulls need to be largely
monolithic to function reliably. This compels one to find a way to
fabricate structures with these non-rigid materials in the external
microgravity environment. That's no mean feat. And to make matters
worse you have to cope with constant repair and replacement. One
problem with monolithic composition is that the more you repair a
structure the poorer its structural integrity tends to become. This is
why mobile homes depreciate while site-built homes appreciate. You
can't repair a mobile home indefinitely. They wear out after a certain
point, their repair reaching a point of diminishing returns. The same
is true of a tire with too many patches and plugs to repair it. And the
same would be true of the Asgard hull -only it could become miles wide!
Ideally, the Asgard hull system should be self-fabricating and
perpetually self-renewing but we'll have to wait for nanotechnology to
make that happen. In situ fabrication of large structures is very hard
because it has to contend with an environment of extremes and high
contamination potential. This makes it harder to synthesize materials
of high performance and shapes of high precision and material
consistency. That doesn't mean it's impossible, just that it will take
a much longer period of time to figure out how make practical and that
creates a chicken-or-egg dilemma for how to develop it.
With the addition of manned habitats comes a need for new pressurized docking structures which will mean a specialization in the service vehicles for the manned portions of the outpost. These would tend to rely on docking structures on the TransHab ends, rather than the usual edge or bay docking structures used for automated cargo handling.
Savage assumed that Asgard lay so many decades beyond Aquarius that, if
its science was roughly plausible, its engineering feasibility was
likely moot. Wait long enough and technology makes everything possible
-or so we often assume. But since I consider the development of Asgard
as concurrent to Aquarius I needed to envision an architectural scheme
that would evolve from the MUOL to Asgard and beyond. Thus I arrived at
the concept of the EvoHab. The EvoHab system is a direct extension of
the modular space frame structural system employed by the MUOL and is
intended to integrate with it to allow direct expansion of the MUOL
into a structure of larger scale and more diverse function. That
problem of not being able to fabricate inside a space station anything
you can't fit through a hatch limits the kind of structural
technologies that can be accommodated by early in-space industry. It
favors systems that can use a small spectrum of relatively small parts
that can be easily mass-produced. Also, a community in space doesn't
have the luxury to sprawl to accommodate change, and expansion. Orbital
structures require a unified structure that can be moved whole by
propulsion systems to correct orbit and attitude. So to accommodate
change and expansion a space structure needs to be able to transform in
its entirety. This is especially important in terms of dealing with
maintenance over extended periods of time. Space stations like the ISS
are inherently doomed to a short life span because, as they are
expanded, interior modules become locked in place and cannot be
replaced or even easily demolished. To survive indefinitely, every
portion of a space structure must be easily demountable and
replaceable. But there's a fundamental problem with assemblages of
numerous components. It's hard to make things like this pressure-tight.
Numerous seams and interfaces create innumerable failure points.
Pressurized structures favor monolithic composition that eliminate
numerous component interfaces. How does one then combine the virtues of
small demountable components with the need for seamless pressure hulls?
By decoupling the functions of pressure containment, shielding, and
structural integrity from each other. EvoHab employs space enclosing
space frame structures to provide basic structural integrity. Then,
like the components of the MUOL, plug-in components consisting of
shielding panels and functional components like thruster modules,
radiators, and the like attach to the outside of this frame while
inside pressure hull balloons of relatively small size and thin
material are attached to modular bulkheads equipped with hatches and
inflated. Very large pressure hulls can be fashioned in a kind of
semi-in-situ process, the outer hull system assembled from parts and
the inner pressure hull skin sprayed onto a substrate of thin interior
panels using some kind of sprayable or layered laminate materials whose
consistency can now be well controlled by the sheltered, if still
evacuated, environment provided by the outer hull. This ability to
create a shielded, if not pressurized, shelter also allows for the
construction of work spaces that overcome the scale limits in
fabrication within pressurized spaces. Permanent shelters with large
hinged bay doors or temporary shelters assembled and dismantled as
needed can be used to create thermally stable dust-free environments
for the fabrication of larger structures. If, for instance, the
original style of Asgard hull needed to be made of rigid monolithic
materials -such as diamondoid materials made by nanoassembly or the new
transparent aluminum alloys- its entire area could be enclosed in a
temporary construction shelter that is dissembled and recycled after
We must also consider in this phase the possibility of the beginning of a diversion in the path of space development in favor of transhumanist colonization. The odds seem low that a truly sentient AI would appear at this stage of development, though it may in the long-term be an inevitability. If AI appears at all by this time, it will initially take the form of fairly specialized computer programs engineered to perform fairly specific tasks and relying more heavily on sophisticated vision processing systems than on the AI 'decision making' itself. But this would still be enough to allow a more diverse range of higher precision robots operated from station-based computers to overcome most of the latency problems associated with teleoperation. There would still be a heavy reliance on ground control but now the systems of the station could be assigned complex tasks to do independently with the AI systems only needing human consultation in exceptional situations and steadily acquiring accumulated experience to incrementally extend this task-independence. This technology could see the MUOL/MUOF facility achieve extremely large scales without any need for a human presence -unless introduced solely for tourism and scientific purposes.
This concept affords a structural system of infinite flexibility,
depending on the geometry of the space frame system. It can accommodate
most any shape and structures of most any scale, always retaining the
potential to transform in shape or expand in size on demand in
relatively small increments. It can initially use a habitat design
based on conjoined clusters of relatively small unit chambers or can
ultimately arrive at vast enclosures as large as Savage's Asgard
design. If it does prove necessary to create forms using artificial
gravity, it can readily accommodate cylindrical shapes made to rotate
in place or using internal rotating structures independent of the outer
hull system. And in all cases the primary structure and outer hull
systems -at least- can be fully assembled through the use of
telerobotics. So flexible would such a system be that it could also be
used for the construction of inter-orbital spacecraft of most any
scale. The simple MUOL backplane concept would readily be suited to the
on-orbit construction and deployment of unmanned spacecraft relying on
fairly self-contained systems components. In this way the MUOL itself
has the potential to reproduce itself on-orbit. This is ideally suited
to prospecting and mining activities. But add in the EvoHab components
and the same architecture will accommodate manned spacecraft as well,
allowing one to establish what is essentially an orbital shipyard for
the manufacture of an infinite variety of spacecraft.
Now, while this would seem to present a possible delay in the manned settlement of space, there is a factor in this which could result in the reverse. Overcoming the obstacles of latency without the overhead of human worker support means an accelerated pace of exploitation of orbital resources. The technologies of human life support are of secondary importance to the technologies of resource exploitation -since the former cannot be sustained without the latter. To support safe and rapid human settlement in space one must establish a broad infrastructure with very long lines of communication (materials, goods, and information) due to the fact that resources are not homogeneously distributed in the solar system. The sooner that kind of infrastructure can be established -even if it's to support the use of an unmanned facility- the sooner human settlement for its own sake becomes practical. Latency limits the reach of resource exploitation and development from any given location and if it requires the establishment of progressively more far-flung human settlements to reach far enough into the solar system to access the full spectrum of materials a high standard of living in space requires then the pace of progress for human settlement would be fairly protracted. But AI not only overcomes the latency problem in Earth orbit, it overcomes it for every part of the solar system. It becomes as practical to operate mining plant in the Oort Cloud as it does to operate a station in LEO. Thus one has the means to rapidly establish a solar-system-wide infrastructure long before anyone thinks of leaving the Earth.
So what is life in this variation of Asgard like? Because the structure
of this habitat will be evolving over time, the form of residence and
the character of daily life is likely to evolve as well, moving from a
very industrial 'work focused' aesthetic to the more comfortable
environment of personal residence and diversified community. A key
factor here is the question of clinical verses engineered solutions to
microgravity deterioration. Initially, the manned orbital settlement
cannot host permanent inhabitants because today there are neither
clinical nor engineered solutions to this problem. This limits the
early Asgard -probably for a long time- to the role of a work camp
cycling its staff on a regular basis -a situation that will actually
make the relationship between Aquarius and Bifrost very important, as I
will be explaining in the next section. Savage's proposed solutions
based on such things as electromuscular stimulation remain purely
speculative. Savage was basically betting on an ultimate clinical
solution to this problem since it offered the most efficiency. There's
no question that doing without the need for artificial gravity makes
the settlement of space much easier by eliminating the engineering and
construction complexity of the rotating habitat. But how long does one
wait and for what level of technology are we waiting for? If a clinical
solution ultimately requires the development of nanotechnology we may
wait a long time and then, when that solution is at hand, the
technology that created it presents us with a new question Savage never
considered (but which I will touch on later); is a transhumanist
colonization of space a more practical goal than human colonization?
I'm pragmatic about this situation and that's why I felt it necessary
to devise a structural technology able to accommodate the option of
near-term artificial gravity solutions as economically as possible even
while one is waiting for clinical solutions.
However, while sentient AI is not necessary for this development, the technology necessary to host sentient AI is little different from that needed to host its non-sentient cousins. Thus in the process of establishing this resource utilization infrastructure one would be simultaneously creating the very same advance settlements an AI civilization would ultimately use. Even long before the first sentient AI is created, an AI civilization would have a head-start on colonization!
However this pans out, the nature of the early Asgard is pretty clear
so lets begin with a look at that. For the sake of simplicity we'll
organize the Asgard settlement (and bear in mind we are not necessarily
talking about just one facility) into a set of phases.
Asgard Settlement phase:
Phase 1 is the MUOL phase, though as I've noted before this also has
the option of being based on a more self-contained system which is
periodically serviced by human technicians rather than relying
exclusively on telerobotics. The choice of which way to go is something
of a trade-off depending on the available launch capability. In the
absence of some kind of cheap manned flight capability, the open space
frame based MUOL is the more practical option. With some kind of
economical and modest manned flight capability the occasionally and
temporarily manned MOL (manned orbital laboratory) option based on the
use of a transhab-enclosed space frame backplane becomes a competitive
option, chiefly because it affords a lower cost in lab module
engineering. Either way, the core technology of the facility is the
same. It's still using a space frame core structure, still using a
modular IP and web-controller based service backplane. The only
difference is one is open to space and the other is partially enclosed
in a transhab hull system. This is also the essential underlying
architecture for Asgard at all later scales so there's a direct
technology progression here.
The transition of Asgard from an outpost to a true settlement would be marked the establishment of local industries producing components for the construction and maintenance of the station and life support goods made from materials sourced in space. With this capability the station has the ability to establish permanent populations supported primarily by space resources -assuming that by this time a clinical solution to the problem of physical deterioration in microgravity is at least partially realized. This phase would also see the development of mass exploitation of orbital solar power as a primary industry, relying on space resources for the cheap production of vast solar power arrays providing beamed power to not only the Earth but multiple points in Earth orbit.
Phase 2 Asgard adds more sustained industrial production to the
predominately research based role of the structure as well as having
the option of supporting a space tourism role. A simple design concept
will serve all these purposes; the Himawari Station. 'Himawari' is
Japanese for 'sunflower', and that describes the basic shape the
facility would assume. Attached to a truss boom end of the MUOL, a
rigid structure radial multi-port coupler module is surrounded by a
radial series of transhab modules, each supplied with its own flex-cell
solar panels and a radiator array. being fixed duty life components,
their radial configuration is designed to allow easy replacement. The
transhab modules would feature connecting ports at both ends for
emergency docking use as well as side-to-side pneumatic duct links as a
back-up route between modules. Inside, they would host an open space
frame core to which functional elements are retrofit -though without
the unnecessary 'deck' partitions devised for the original transhab
concept, using instead fabric hand-holds on the hull shell and
foot-holds retrofit to the core truss. Flex panel displays or projector
displays would be used along the hull surface, and often as an
alternative to windows. Flared ends of the core truss would ease access
to the end port hatches, unless the core truss is of sufficient scale
that easy via through its triangulated struts is possible. This
internal 'tree trunk' design configuration with these early habitat
modules is one that will carry over throughout later settlement
evolution. The central coupler would be designed to accommodate
anywhere from 4 to 12 habitat modules depending on size as well as two
opposing ports front and back. At least one of these two ports would be
used to host a rigid docking module. For tourism purposes, the central
coupler or hub would feature a special 'gondola' module which ideally
would take the form of a large perspex -or later transparent aluminum-
sphere which can be enclosed in a fabric shade and shield cover. This
would be one of the most expensive individual components of the station
due to its need to be monolithically fabricated and lofted whole but it
would also be a key element in the tourism attraction and so would have
to justify its cost by that. It would only be usable in a LEO location,
however. In general, windows would not be used in the rest of the
station in favor of tele-windows based on much cheaper and safer video
With a steady diversification of industrial, commercial, and recreational activity on the station the resulting steady increase in on-orbit population would require new kinds of habitat structures to support a living environment comfortable for progressively longer duration. Simple Transhab style habitat modules would be insufficient in scale to provide a comfortable private residence unless entire modules were turned over to individual habitation. That approach is inefficient because it requires a constant increase in the number of pressure hatch connections in the overall structure, increasing the number of potential failure points and resulting in portions of structure that become progressively more difficult to reach for maintenance and module replacement. As long as the station must rely on some components of large scale that are being made and supplied from Earth -such as pneumatic habitat enclosures- it must remain topologically simple. Thus the support of increased populations would favor the development of shared habitat structures of progressively larger scale. The need to create an attractive environment for tourism purposes and psychological well-being also favors structures which can provide some generous open space to create the illusion of an easily accessible 'outdoors'. The first wave of space tourism has been driven primarily by Space Age nostalgia and the fantasy/mystique of the astronaut lifestyle. 'Roughing it' has been an accepted part of that experience -much as it is for 'dude ranches' simulating the cowboy life. But the second wave of space tourism is likely to be about accessibility -about the 'packaging' of the space experience in a way that the maximum diversity of patrons can enjoy it. So just as the tents and foot trails into the wilderness give way to the rustic lodge hotels and tour-bus roadways of the national park so too would space tourism shift toward the presentation of a progressively more comfort-oriented environment that builds attractions on top of those basic novelties of the space environment. Comfort and luxury become increasingly important to the equation of permanent settlement as well because for a large number of people to want to live in space they have to be able to perceive it as a place where they can realize all their desires -and ideally with greater ease than on Earth. That's a challenge in an environment that imposes very great and critical demands on the physical shape and performance of shelter and with the cultural legacy of over a century of very fanciful portrayals of life in space.
Phase 3 Asgard begins the transition to EvoHab construction, starting
initially with replacements of the transhab modules by roughly
equivalent EvoHab modules. But after that, the freedom of structural
evolution becomes unlimited as the unit spaces in the settlement become
larger and more varied in shape while these collections of shapes tend
to be enclosed by a simpler exterior form because it saves shielding
mass and material by bridging interstitial spaces between pressure skin
modules rather than trying to line them individually. The essential
virtue of the EvoHab concept is the physical decoupling of the
functions of sheidling, pressure containment, and structural integrity.
Once you've done that an infinite variety of engineering, design, and
materials options open up. However, issues of physics, safety, and
ergonomics will tend to control our design strategies. Savage's
original design strategy was based on the simple notion of fractal
cellular compartmentalization -a strategy we commonly see employed in
nature. His Asgard is like a foam divided into a succession of
hierarchically scaled and nested 'bubbles' which increase in the
redundancy of containment as one gets closer to the scale of the
individual residence. This is a sensible approach, even if it was as
much an extrapolation of the symbolic design of Aquarius as it was a
practical rationale. But it assumes a dispersed shielding potential and
relies heavily on the transparency of the hull materials to make a
comfortable environment. As I've noted earlier, at a scale and
radiation shielding requirement where materials are thick, these
'transparent' materials become translucent at best. The original Asgard
may seem more like living underwater than like living in orbit. And it
also means that the interior space of the settlement is not uniformly
safe. The higher up the compartmentalization scale, the less well
protected you are. Ideally, one would want to be equally safe anywhere
in the settlement. But with the EvoHav concept decoupling the functions
of pressure containment from shielding we have an option to increase
safety factors either by increasing redundancy of compartmentalization,
or increasing shielding potential, or a combination of both. And these
are not independently serviceable/repairable allowing one to maximize
their individual potential duty life. This suggests to me that one need
not compartmentalize as much and this allows one to use larger open
spaces and simpler, more flexible, interior design. And that potential
for open space is very important. The essential problem of living in
space is the psychological aspect of being indoors 99.9% of one's life
span. Savage sought to combat this with transparent materials but, in
fact, we probably won't have that and so to cope with this one needs to
employ designs based on the creation of large open interior spaces with
interior design that helps establish an illusory perception of an
The likely initial approach to new larger habitat modules would be to improve upon the existing Transhab technology by finding ways to increase the internal volume supported by a pneumatic hull of roughly the same transport mass. The obvious solution is to decouple the previously built-in shielding from the pneumatic hull structure so as to allow more mass of structure to be dedicated to pressure containment. This would be achieved with the approach already developed for MUOF structures; using a space frame enclosure to provide a mounting frame for modular shield panels inside of which the new larger scale pneumatic hull can be inflated. The next improvement on this, allowing habitat enclosures of potentially any scale, would use of the isolated and controlled -if unpressurized- environment provided by the MUOF style enclosure to provide a working environment for the application of plastic materials to create a composite pressure hull. The outer shielding panel system would be complemented by an inner panel which provides the foundation for the application of sprayable plastic materials allowing for a pressure hull to be built-up in layers, using the core truss running through the enclosure as the platform on which all the fabrication equipment is mounted. In both these instances the end result is essentially the same; a large space frame enclosure of spherical or cylindrical form covered in modular panels with a pressure hull inside it and -at least initially- a core truss running through a polar axis.
This has led me to the notion of an interesting kind of living
environment that derives very directly from the architecture of the
simple transhab module and does better at creating the kind of habitat
Savage envisioned than the systems he originally envisioned for doing
it. I call it the Urban Tree Habitat. Buckminster Fuller observed that,
when a geodesic dome was of sufficiently large size that the details of
its component structure became obscured by distance while its perimeter
structure was obscured by intervening objects at the ground level,
people would readily accept the dome as another kind of sky and treat
the interior of the dome like an outdoor space. Classical architects
have understood this well and it was one of the driving forced behind
the use of domed structures in antiquity. Exploiting this, we have a
simple means of creating the illusion of an indoor 'outside' by simply
putting enough distance between an observer and a relatively smooth
well lit cylindrical or spherical enclosure. Thus I envision a
structure where the simple configuration of the transhab module is
scaled up to create a polar core structure -a tree trunk- passing
through a spherical enclosure and serving as a retrofit mount for all
the other structures of the community, attached like branches on this
trunk. Using a hollow core tree trunk, we then re-establish that
essential organization of the arcology with a privately viewed
'outside' and a socially oriented 'inside'. In its simplest form this
would be composed of a very large open space frame truss which has a
public transit conduit through its center and then a series of
individual 'houses' in the form of elaborated Capsule Hotel style units
or tent-like enclosures, public terraces, hydroponic farming/gardening
units, and other habitable and work structures retrofit to the struts
and nodes of the core truss. These retrofit structures would extend
farther from the core closer to the equator of spherical space to make
more efficient use of space while being roughly consistent in
cylindrical enclosures. This is also a very logical structural
organization for industrial purposes, though in the case of those
spaces much less space would be left between the attachments to the
core truss and the outer enclosure, the open space in the center being
more important. We have a couple of options for how to use out virtual
'sky' in such a habitat. We can either use it simply as a light
diffiuser for reflected illumination from light sources mounted on the
core -with an option to enhance it with projections of clouds or stars-
or we can make the hull 'image transmitting' by linking tiled flexible
video displays along the interior surface to corresponding video camera
units and heliostats outside the structure. This would in effect make
the hull of the habitat appear transparent -or even completely
invisible- no mater how thick the hull structure we make actually is.
Expensive but still potentially much cheaper and safer than actual
transparent materials. Clustering such enclosures within a larger
spherical enclosure, one can organize the community into functional
areas of residence, commerce, and industry with many smaller
interstitial spaces for even more specialized functions. There is no
limit to the scale of habitat that could be developed this way, and all
incrementally developed. Thus this concept can carry us all the way to
the Solaria stage if necessary.
How then do we use such structures to create a comfortable and attractive habitat for a large community? The basic architecture of the original MUOL and the Transhab are our guide. The core truss is the heart of the physical structure of the habitat -its primary structural element- and thus everything in it would tend to have to be attached to it. We have three possible configurations of the core truss. It can run down the polar axis of the structure as in the original Transhab, it can run along the inner surface of the hull structures, or it can do both as would be common with pressurized MUOF structures. The choice depends on how one wishes to use the space. A pressurized MUOF needs to maximize the use of the internal area while providing a common 'track' for service robots. It only needs as much open space as is necessary to move product around and service factory modules. Using both a truss frame to mount components along the inner hull and a truss through the center to mount more components and the robots to service them all makes sense. Human habitation needs open space to fight claustrophobia, distribute light, and provide a reserve of air to buffer thermal changes and pressure losses from punctures. One also needs speedy access to the surface of the pressure hull to effect repairs. This tends to favor an approach that concentrates the functional structures of the habitat on a central axis core truss -at least until one gets to extremely large scales where the relative thickness of habitat structures on the inner surface -plus a hull and utility access space behind them- is thin relative to the overall volume of the habitat. Thus we can anticipate that the likely architecture for these habitats would be what I call a 'tree-form' habitat with the core truss as the primary 'trunk' and the habitat branching out from it into the open space of the hull whose surface is intended to simulate a kind of sky or virtual window by serving as a light diffuser and video projection surface. In this way we can virtually create the kind of transparent hull enclosure envisioned by Marshal Savage, but using a composite 'video window' to present images of the exterior and heliostat systems to pipe safe UV and IR filtered sunlight into the habitat. Indeed, the larger and more robust this kind of habitat becomes the more the central habitat structure can be made to resemble a living tree by virtue of hosting hydroponics planting systems within its structures and perhaps ultimately hosting a cultured spherical tree grown about a hydroponic life support structure.
If, however, the use of artificial gravity proves to be a necessity,
another structural approach would be necessary, though still ideally
deriving from the same technology. There is no getting around the fact
that the use of artificial gravity is a more complicated and less
efficient prospect. Rotating structures are more intricate and must be
reinforced to withstand internal loads and centrifugal forces. The
biggest engineering problem for the rotating habitat is the use of
counter-rotation hubs as mechanisms of transition between the
microgravity and gravity environment. This is further complicated by
designs that must use such a hub while also maintaining a pressurized
environment between rotating and non-rotating portions of a structure
and increases in difficulty the larger the scale of such structures.
Clearly, the more we can simplify the process of rotation transition or
eliminate the use of hubs the more we can reduce the cost of an
artificial gravity structure. Similarly, the less overall mass we need
to rotate the less loads and stresses the rotating portions of
structure need to withstand and the easier they are to engineer.
We thus arrive at a permanent settlement form that is quite similar to that envisioned by Marshal Savage only with its hull a composite geodesic hull structure. A great sphere or domed end cylinder inside which resides a great 'urban tree' and with large MUOF style radial structural extensions housing factories, farms, and docking structures at both its poles, large solar and radiator arrays congregating at the space-facing pole and telecom congregating at the Earth facing pole. The same mix of specialized passenger service vehicles and predominately automated service vehicles would be employed with specialized docking terminals employed for the manned spacecraft. If the settlement is not already in a GEO location it is likely in this phase to start becoming a staging area for GEO facilities which may ultimately replace LEO facilities as permanent settlements. This will mean supporting a new generation of inter-orbital shuttle vehicles.
I envision an interesting evolution of the previously described type of
habitat. Most artificial gravity habitat concepts are based on the
rotation of an entire structure or major portions of it. For the very
large habitat this makes sense, though it has a high mass cost as so
much of the structure must be reinforced to support the increased
loads. But for the smaller habitat or the one which must evolve from an
initial micro-gravity habitat this is over-kill. For these habitats it
makes more sense to employ a strategy of functional isolation much as
employed in the EvoHab hull system. An interesting aspect of
centrifugal artificial gravity is that adjacent objects can be either
in a microgravity or gravity environment depending on their relative
velocity. So a rotational structure placed within the space of a
non-rotating habitat can be physically completely independent of the
structure around it. All one needs is a non-contact means to keep it in
a fixed position relative to the structure surrounding it. This allows
for an existing EvoHab habitat with its existing core-attached
structures to add a centrifugal gravity structure without much change
to its configuration. One need simply create a kind of belt loop which
is fixed in place on a magnetic bearing formed by magnets on the inside
of the EvoHab hull and the outside of the belt. Linear motor elements
would then allot the belt to be rotated, physically independently of
the hull structure and imparting none of its centrifugal loads on it,
though requiring the magnetic bearing and hull structure to still be
able to resist the mass of the belt if it drifts relative to the outer
structure and, in the process, imparting a kind of gyroscopic
resistance on the whole structure. Centrifugal loads on the belt are
born in tension on it, thus it would likely be made from a tensile
material such as a web of carbon fiber cable. To minimize mass on the
belt, functional structures would be made primarily from ultralight
materials such as fabrics and pneumatically rigidized panels. Such a
structure could be expanded incrementally and, within a cylindrical
EvoHab space, grow to cover an entire inner hull area while still
allowing the bulk of the volume of the structure to be filled with
microgravity structures. However, the different rotating and
non-rotating portions of the structure are hazardous to each other and
thus would need to be carefully isolated, especially with respect to
free-floating objects. Thus it might be practical to shield the
rotating belt behind a concentric hull partition.
Let's consider this urban tree, how it works, and the kind of living accommodations it might offer. There's a specific path of evolution from the simple Transhab-style structures of the outpost phase to this urban tree concept. The first Transhab habitats would lack much in the way of privacy and amenities being focused instead on minimizing mass and maximizing utility within a small space. The core truss of the Transhab would be the mounting structure for most everything in the habitat and privacy would be provided by fabric and foam partitions where necessary -though for the most part personal space would amount to a storage locker and a fabric and foam enclosure sleeping 'pod' strung on cables or placed within the hollow of the core truss. (if long enough) Since the outpost would only be hosting people for short duty cycles this need to deal with camping-style accommodations would not be a particular problem. The tree-like nature of the central truss structure would be apparent even in this stage. All the equipment used in the habitat is attached to, branches from, and radiates around this core structure, its interior space housing airlocks and the few features requiring a bit more privacy.
Transition between the rotating and non-rotating portion of the
structure is best done near the core where the relative velocity
difference becomes the smallest -indeed, small enough with a large
structure to where little special accommodation need be made for human
transition beyond some hand-grabs on either side of a hub to which a
cable-stayed elevator and back-up ladder is attached. Heavier items,
however, would need to be attached to, or contained in, a transfer
carriage which picks up or loses relative velocity by engaging
alternate sets of breaking wheels on either side of a circular hub
track attached to the habitat core truss. There is an open engineering
question here of whether the use of a transition carriage would be
easier to implement, from an engineering standpoint, near the core or
near the rotating belt 'floor'. Near the core the relative velocity is
much slower but a load bearing structure from floor to core must be
built to handle the heavy loads. If transition is done on a track near
the floor -and likely near the belt edge- the velocity difference is
very high and so much more energy must be lost in the transition and a
much longer transition loop track used. However, large pallets or
containers can be more easily 'docked' to the transfer track with no
load bearing structures needed to transport them from the core to the
As larger size Transhab structures are used we can expect the simple sleeping pod to evolve into progressively larger and more elaborate personal dwelling units, though still based primarily on the same fabric and foam composition as this offers comfort and low mass. Additionally, many workstations would evolve into more enclosed structures such as cages, platforms, or capsule rooms. I envision a progression of these sleeping pods evolving toward a full 'dwelling pod' deriving in design from the example of the Japanese capsule hotel module which has been around since the 1960s and proven pretty functional. While having large open spaces that can emulate an 'outdoors' environment is important psychologically, too much space in a private dwelling is an inconvenience in microgravity because easy mobility requires an environment where there are plenty of hand-holds and such within arm's reach. Thus personal dwellings may normally not use large spans and spaces would always confine at least one dimension to about one to -at most- a few meter span. Thus the example of the capsule hotel module is a logical choice as the basis of microgravity dwelling design. Though the design of dwelling pods would tend to focus on maximizing the multifunctionality of a single personal space, they would be usable in clusters of rooms with an eventual evolution into a kind of three room apartment (main room, sleeping, and bathing/toilet) likely. Like the original sleeping pods they would consist primarily of fabric, foam, or high pressure rigidized pneumatic panels over a light frame of aluminum or pultruded fiberglass or carbon fiber composite As with the capsule hotel module, most fixtures would rely on built-ins and concealed compartments with light items attaching by velcro. With a high reliance on foams and fabrics, optical power distribution and the use of fiber optic ambient lighting may become standard as a means to minimize fire risks as well as reduce latent heat. Windows would be few and where they are used they would be dual-use, serving as exit portals as well as window openings. As they develop more sophistication in features, they may eventually support their own emergency life support, being sealable like a space suit in the event of a hull failure. Indeed, many features of these dwelling pods may mimic the engineering of space suit design, especially for ventilation and climate control.
An essential ergonomic problem faces this sort of artificial gravity
habitat. In the microgravity environment the shape of a hull system can
be exploited to create the illusion of a sky and aid in the creation of
an 'outside' environment. But in an artificial gravity structure the
direction of 'up' is focussed on the center of a ring or cylinder
shape. So the sense of outdoors becomes dependent entirely on the
amount of open space around the horizontal plane and overhead. In a
structure where a gravity deck is rotating independently of the rest of
the structure, views of the rest of the other structure must be
restricted to avoid creating a sense of vertigo. What this probably
means is that a 'subtopolis' style of space organization would
predominate on the gravity deck. An arrangement of streets, corridors,
and atriums individually topped with illuminated domed or vaulted
ceilings surrounding -or surrounded by- other enclosed functional
spaces. This would most likely be limited to no more than a few storeys
of levels in habitats of this scale. There would be no views of the
space outside the habitat save for video projections. Some skylights
might allow views of the central core, which would appear to rotate
over the viewer on the gravity deck. However, the hazard of
free-floating microgravity objects coming too near the gravity deck may
call for a partition shell, blocking even those core views.
Initial dwelling pod designs would tend to favor an industrial style functionalism but as they become more sophisticated and large we may see a small number of aesthetic styles develop. The three most likely are 'cellular' structures, 'modular curved space systems', and all-in-one dwelling pods.
The larger the area one wishes to use for a gravitized space, the less
efficient this hybrid structure strategy becomes. It thus becomes more
practical to create habitat structures which are rotated whole and
which are largely independent of neighboring non-gravity facilities.
Keeping these structures independent is a simple way to eliminate the
need for hub systems, specialized shuttles or magnetically isolated
airlock modules providing transport and transition. How would the
EvoHab structural concept accommodate this kind of structure? The use
of a carbon fiber cable belt in the hybrid structure gives us a clue to
how our structural system might evolve and how such habitats might be
incrementally built and serviced while continuously rotating. The space
frame structure of the EvoHab system is not likely to be strong enough
by itself to withstand the tremendous loads of a fully rotating
structure. However, what it can provide is a scaffolding for the in
situ fabrication of such a structure while establishing an integrated
component interface grid. Essentially, what one would do is use the
space frame as a 'winding form' for the depositing of continuously
extruded carbon fiber cables or tapes. The interior is pressurized
using cellular pneumatic pressure skins or by sealing of the windings
through the application of plastic materials. Ends of the cylinder are
capped in domed bulkheads based on the earlier EvoHab hull type and a
core truss is again used through the center of the structure, though
here it's functional role is much reduced. Also at the end caps would
be at least one docking port and to eliminate the need of a
counter-rotating hub the port would be designed specifically to dock
with symmetrical vehicles using roll-axis docking that can be lined up
with the core axis, rotated in place to match rotational speed, and
captured and locked down within in a cylindrical frame docking bay.
Vehicles with more complex shapes would need docking at a companion
microgravity station and use shuttles to access the rotating habitat.
Cellular designs derive directly from the capsule hotel model and would consist of a catalog of cellular room modules designed to 'pack' together sharing common geometrical faces. They would tend toward prismatic polygon shaped rooms; boxes, hexagonal and octagonal cells with triangular cell interstitial space for utilities. This form would be very popular where the interior of the core truss is used for personal dwelling space, but ultimately there would be insufficient volume in that region of the structure and its use as a transit via would become more important.
Exterior space frame node points are left exposed through these hull
windings to allow for the attachment of shield plates and other
components or service robots on the outside and light deck plates on
the inside. In space, one always wants assembly processes to be done
with components, tools, and machines all maintaining positive
connection. With a rotating structure this must be done under
centrifugal force as well. It would be as through you were working and
repairing a building while hanging upside-down from its beams! So
everything needs positive connection. This also facilitates later
incremental expansion and continual hull structure renewal. The
structure can increase its volume incrementally by either growing in
length or by adding new outer hull layers by plugging in more space
frame scaffolding then winding new cable/tap over that and then
demolishing the old hull within it -all while maintaining rotation and
Modular curved space systems are something a bit newer and more interesting. Derived from the geometry of saddle polyhedra, curved space systems use modular components to produce flowing curved spaces and interconnecting tunnels that form a more organic structure. They've even been developed for children's play labyrinth structure. One promising type uses a combination of saddle-pentagon, saddle-hexagon, plane-hexagon, and plane-square panel shapes to make up the curved space network. The primary room shape is, of course, spherical and the number of flat plane-hexagon and plane-square panels in a structure would tend to be rather small, complicating the use of built-in fixtures. One advantage of this type of system is that it not only serves for individual dwellings but for large complexes of spaces and can become a primary surface structure for the entire habitat, concealing most of the frame structures used.
One of the over-complicated features of the classic rotating colony
concepts was the use vast window systems to communicate sunlight, which
The all-in-one dwelling would employ a more free-form architecture to create a dwelling pod of complex internal shape and potentially large size -almost as large as conventional Earth homes. It could be more organic or use a hybrid of shapes, though it would tend to employ curved edges and corners and fairly simple exterior forms capable of nesting or clustering using connecting straps or cables. Many interesting external features are possible, such as cable-stayed terraces and built-in garden and aquarium units. These would be much larger than the other types of pods and their component systems and so would tend to rely on pneumatic rigidization structures inside them and the use of foam, alloy, or composite inserts which would allow the main sewn-fabric structure to be completely rolled-up or folded into a small package. They would have some issues of wear and obsolescence because of their uniform fabric material skins but they would also tend to be more creatively designed, offer better sound proofing, and be better suited to use as a whole as an emergency shelter. Such structures would also feature for mass solar flare shelters, featuring insert rad-shield panels and woven wire fabrics. Some of these may be deployable structures.
faced many of the same kinds of problems the original Asgard hull
concept faced. This wound-hull colony would instead rely on a light
Initial use of dwelling pods would tend to be based on positioning them within the space of the core truss or immediately outside and attached to it. These early dwelling pods will usually have a single entrance. Ultimately the role of the core truss as a transit via would supersede most other uses, leading to dwelling pods which are arrayed radially outside it and use the space between truss chords to access entry portals. This generation of dwelling are likely to use at least two primary entrances; one facing the core truss and the other facing the exterior and serving as a main view window. As the Asgard settlement approaches the use of its full size habitats and full size urban tree structures, radiating branches from the core truss would be used to host clusters of dwelling pods instead. These dwellings may be arrayed around a common central space serving as a kind of neighborhood center with the branch truss running through it as a transit via and attachment point for shared facilities, gardens, and service systems. For large habitats where a high population density is an issue, we may see a cellular dwelling approach become predominate with these attached to a space frame paralleling the surface of the inner hull -leaving a gap large enough for each air flow and access to the inner hull for speedy repairs. The use of the hull surface as projection display and light diffuser is eliminated by this approach. Instead, the use of small lights along the inward facing side of the cellular dwellings would illuminate the interior space and obscure the sight of the cellular dwellings creating a sky dome effect. The central core would then tend to be dominated by commercial and recreational activity.
transmitting hull piping light in through evacuated optical tubing
(more efficient for long distances than fiber optics) to be radiated
Decorative gardening would be a popular feature of the settlement, helping to compensate for the industrial feel of things. Most intensive farming would be done in a MUOF setting where conditions of light, humidity, and growing density can be optimized to make the most of limited space. But in the rest of the settlement gardening would serve functions of aesthetics, supplemental air purification, and humidity moderation. Due to the microgravity environment, all such gardening would be hydroponics based and tend to rely on techniques of capillary delivered nutrient film or aeroponic methods. Most planter units would take the form of self-contained planter capsules with elastic membrane plant-holding ports which can be mounted on or within other structures, rigid capillary tubing loops and columns to whose surface plants are attached to by their roots all along their length by an elastic webbing, and free-floating planters which host spherical clusters of plants attached to a computer-controlled feeder ball and which drift about the open spaces on the internal air currents using thin transparent elastomeric fan-like sails much in the manner of a Man-O-War jellyfish. Species with climbing tendancies and tolerance of low diffuse light would be preferred, though supplemental lighting could be used for some planters. The most sophisticated of gardening systems likely to be employed on Asgard would be the 'cybertree' system which cultivates an enormous living tree about the core truss structure. This is done by exploiting a phenomenon called 'inosculation' where trunks or branches of like plant species (and ideally genetically matched by propogation of cuttings) will fuse and grow together into one to create a single larger plant. Long toyed with as the basis of decorative gardens in centuries past using a technique called 'pleaching', the technique has in recent years been explored by sustainable and avant-garde architects as a means for the cultivation of living houses. On Asgard this technique could be used to turn the urban tree of a habitat into a living tree by applying an array of capillary feeder panels to the outside of the core truss and a series of truss branches, cultivating a continguous fused tree-trunk on the feeder panels using large numbers of saplings generated by tissue culture cloning. The process would take some decades to complete but the end result would be a core structure completely enclosed by living plant material with its center still hollow and usable as transit vias and a conduit for utilities servicing dwelling pods clustered like fruit among this cybertree's branches.
through diffuser membranes in the habitat core. This creates a vast
'outdoor' space within the habitat with a sun akin to an enormous
Mobility throughout the settlement would be based primarily on human power but as everything grows in scale the need for powered transit assistance would be necessary. Of particular concern are the large open spaces about the core tree which would be very popular for recreation but offer no hand-holds within easy reach. The solution may be the use of a kind of hand-held ducted fan or jet unit that works similarly to the small hand-carried tow motors used by scuba divers and which can be kept attached to oneself on a tether. A similar device may find use for quick tracked transit along the core truss or across large open spaces using a tether or track called a 'zip cord'. The zip cord would basically be one half of a linear motor with the handhold serving as the other half. Clamping the handhold to the track and pulling a trigger engages the linear motor, allowing one to be pulled along at speeds varied by a thumb-wheel. Breaking is automatic with the release of the trigger and releasing one's hold on the handhold would completely deactivate it. Sensors on the zip cord also send a feedback signal to engage automatic breaking when two units are in proximity along the line. Small payloads can be attached to the handhold as well using straps with carabiner locks. A variant of the zip cord system may use a simple elastic single-strap harness on a rigid shuttle attached at two points to the zip cord. The user would wrap one leg and arm around the harness strap and use a control pallet on the strap to activate the unit. This unit would be limited to a fixed speed and have a feature that can read codes embedded in the zip cord to allow one to travel long distances automatically by typing in a destination code on the control pallet. A similar device would be used strictly as a payload carrier pallet and allowed to travel unattended.
florescent tube. There are two approaches to light gathering here
depending on size and orbital orientation. For the moderately sized
A number of fully and semi autonomous service robots would also be likely on the settlement with some used primarily for the transport of large bulky high mass items. Key among these would be a carrier pallets and containers similar in design to those used for the MUOL's module transport but relying on small ducted fans for propulsion. Other free-roaming robots would include scrubbers which scour the air for free-floating liquids and debris, limpet cleaner robots which clean the flat surfaces of the structure using non-chemical adhesive tracks to haul them along surfaces they are cleaning, and small inspection and voice-activated personal computer robots much like those NASA has already developed for ISS use. Ducted fans and, in come cases, nitrogen gas jets would be common propulsion for such free-floating robots, affording movement at a modest pace around the station rather like deep-sea submersibles and marine robots.
habitat oriented end-to-sun the use of an independently orbiting solar
concentrator would collect light and focus it on end mounted optical
Recreation on the settlement would be critical to both general well-being and the commercial viability of tourism but presents complications because one must incorporate every form of recreation offered within the structures of the settlement and a great many activities aren't possible in the microgravity environment. (there won't be a lot of bicycling and snow-boarding on Asgard...) New forms of recreation must be devised to compensate for those which must be left back on Earth. The microgravity environment itself will probably feature as the basis of many recreational activities with new games, dance forms, and types of theatre devised and, of course, needing their own permanent or deployable structures to accommodate them. Spectator sports, of course, present certain design complications in a microgravity environment because of the tendency of all enclosure surfaces to double as vaulting surfaces. This makes the design and placement of windows tricky, perhaps calling for the use of netting structures or new soft transparent materials superior to the transparent vinyl common today.
ports. Larger habitats oriented with ends perpendicular to the sun
could use their hull surface as a collector using arrays of holographic
Observation chambers and lounges will be a likely feature of the settlement, elaborating on those employed in early space tourism facilities. Some may be designed to focus on views of the Earth and others on the immersion into the space environment. Suited space walks -though perhaps becoming a form of recreation- will always be inconvenient and hazardous even with the advent of technology such as mechanical counter-pressure suits. Children especially will be barred from such activity in general. So for the casual space-walk experience of the observation sphere or dome will probably be preferred. As the settlement becomes larger these too would increase in size as the techniques used to build the settlement afford the option of fabrication of these transparent shells on orbit rather than having them imported from Earth. However, they are unlikely to ever be suitable as habitat hulls due to their susceptibility to debris impact and lack of radiation shielding. They may never be usable at all outside of LEO locations. Advancing video technology may ultimately compete with this technology, allowing the virtual transparency offered by video displays on the habitat hull to progressively improve to where it becomes truly indistinguishable from a natural windowless view.
membrane heliostats which would collect light through a network of
cables which converge on the end caps and into the habitat. It would
The use of water as the basis of recreation in space has often been proposed but requires the use of new technologies for the containment of large volumes of fluid in microgravity. A popular concept has been the low-g swimming pool which uses either a rotating structure or a series of peristaltic pumps to contain water by establishing a flow or current with just enough centrifugal force to keep the water contained, fans being used to drive stray water droplets to the main water surface. Superdroplet pools have also been proposed, consisting of gigantic droplets of water entrained by fans and acoustic waves.
then be filtered for power and light uses and piped down the core
diffusers. This latter approach is usable no matter how long the
As very large habitats are realized the zip cord system could become the basis of a recreational activity in the form of various styles of racing or perhaps thrill rides. Tow thruster racing might also become a form of recreation. Solar sailer racing has, in recent years, been proposed as a commercial sponsored professional sport and any established orbital settlement of scale is likely to be a logical location to host such activities, though this would not generally lend itself to any large participation, serving more as a spectator sport.
structure becomes, using intervening tower 'spokes' along the habitat
length. This is a concept I will be discussing further in the Solaria
Spiritual pursuits may see some significant application as a form of recreation on the settlement, especially for those practices which have potential health maintenance benefits as well. For instance, meditation and yogic practices would find a suitable environment in microgravity, especially when one considers the potential for sensory deprivation afforded by carefully designed dwelling pods and the high freedom of physical movement one has when free of the forces of gravity. Whole new systems of yogic and tai chi exercise might be developed for use in the space environment. Most overt religious practice, however, would tend to be problematic in such small communities. Due to their inherent cultural, racial, gender, and class predjudices, there really are no religions in the world today that are psychologically healthy and safe in such dense culturally diverse communities -as much as contemporary theologians would deny this fact. Their introduction would invariably lead to social conflict and so social codes should probably confine their practice to private activity. However, conflicts over seasonal religious and psuedo-religious displays -the Christmas season decorations in particular- are probably unavoidable.
It is possible that the dominant form of recreation in the space settlement will be media based. The use of digital text, audio, video media, the many forms of computer games, and the many forms of computer based arts and crafts will present a great economy in terms of space and material when providing recreation. But the sedentary nature of such activities does present important health ramifications in an environment where physical activity is critical in fighting the negative biophysical effects of micrigravity. And telecommunications latency will, again, become an issue in participation in many forms of interactive Internet based entertainment such as games and live chat venues. Most media use would tend to be personal and rely on personal media appliances -mostly likely employing multi-use devices as the cost for highly specialized media devices would be high. But with the inner hull of the habitats being able to double as display screens, their use as public video theater displays could result in a lot of media oriented social events. This would be especially appropriate with spectator sports.
A diversity of hobbies are also likely and, owing the the demographics of the majority of initial settlement inhabitants, these are likely to be technically oriented and have a practical as well as entertainment aspect. The most obvious of such hobbies, of course, would be gardening with both its aesthetic value and its value as the basis of cultivating new techniques to increase the spectrum of plant species that can be cultivated, the performance of hydroponics systems, and the products one might produce with plant materials. The special conditions of microgravity pose great complications for the cultivation of plants and the design of both industrial and decorative planter systems, offering a new field of infinite possibilities for the inventive gardener. Pets are a possibility, though very few animals would be practical companions in the microgravity environment. Marshal Savage envisioned birds as popular pets for both marine and space settlers, though we are more likely to see fish, a few crustaceans like hermit crabs, large tropical insects, and insectivorous or herbivorous climbing reptiles as more likely pets. Not exactly the most cuddly collection of creatures, but their care is better suited to the environment in space would produce techniques useful for mariculture and agriculture. Of course, a home on orbit is the amateur astronomer and HAM radio enthusiast's ultimate dream and so these are likely hobbies as well, though the external space to mount equipment for these activities may be in limited supply. Various forms of recreational robotics may become common, ranging from such things as racing of miniature fan thruster vehicles or fanciful model sailing vessels that cruise the internal air currents of the station, to the creation of fanciful robotic pets to compensate for the impracticality of most living animals as pets, to the development of automated solar sail spacecraft. It is possible that robotics enthusiasts might turn hobbies into vocations, developing their own robotics systems for the exploration, prospecting, and teleoperated base settlement of asteroids, the Moon, and other planets -a far more rewarding hobby than the usual model train layout. Media production is another likely hobby and one could expect some residents to turn their spare time to the creation of news blogs, amateur TV programs, and the like using life on the orbital settlement as their primary subject. These activities might later form the basis of the settlement's own mass-media industry as the community grows in scale. (indeed, one can only account for NASA's failure to have already established a regular weekly TV program broadcast from the ISS to their fundamental lack of imagination. Can one possibly imagine a better venue for a global science and technology news program?)
Sexual activity should not be overlooked as an important form of recreation as well as a normal aspect of human daily activity -though it has tended to for most of the history of the first space age thanks to the infantile mock prudishness and misogyny of academics, government bureaucrats, senior engineers, and corporate executives. To date, few scientists, engineers, physicians, or futurists have had the bravery and adult sensibility to give this activity serious consideration but it is most definitely going to be a key factor in people's well-being and for the bottom-line of tourism. While the first wave of space tourism will be largely male dominated and focused on nostalgia for the anachronisms of first space age with a necessary lack of privacy precluding any intimate activity, later tourism must accommodate a much broader spectrum of amenities and this includes the need to accommodate sexual activity. There is simply no denying that for a great many potential space tourists the imagined novelty of sexual intercourse in a microgravity environment is going to be a key attraction and accommodating and enhancing the experience for that activity will be important to the success of tourism in general. Indeed, it amazes me that the porn industry -forever in search of new novelties for its media and no stranger to SciFi themes no matter how cheesy- has not as yet even explored the techniques of current space theme film making to try and emulate this activity in its media. Strange as it sounds, they might actually be able to contribute more in the way of practical R&D relating to this than any government space agency.
Much with this issue would fall under the province of the design of dwelling pods which would -because of the potentially different mechanics involved- need some rooms to be specifically engineered to accommodate this activity for maximum convenience and pleasure. However, specially engineered 'sex rooms' would tend to be unpopular because their special addition to a dwelling would incur some embarrassment as it openly communicates one's private intentions. So accommodating this activity would have to be a standard element in dwelling design and features associated with it subtly included in the design. The designers of hotel accommodations understand the logic of this quite well -or at least the more successful ones do. The space habitat would tend to offer fewer venues for personal privacy than is typical on Earth until it achieved very large scales and great economy in the construction of space. Thus the places where people might be able to engage in sex would be few and the use of private dwellings for this would predominate -though human beings have proven quite inventive and adaptive in this regard. But as most adults well know, the long popularity of hotels, automobiles, and the like as locations for sexual rendezvous is based on the desire to keep such rendezvous discreet, especially when couples are not married or of the same sex. This becomes a tricky issue in an environment where unobserved access even to one's own dwellings may be difficult. Variations in location are also an important factor in the enjoyment of sex and we must take into account that the essential fantasy associated with sex in space is based on the vision of sex 'in space' -in some analogous environment to the open space environment of EVA. It would be rather difficult to employ public observation lounges in this way or to make numerous small domes like this for this activity so some inventiveness would be needed here. And there are medical issues to address when it comes to pregnancy and birth control with pregnancy probably meaning forced eviction to Earth until the effects of microgravity on long-term child development are clearly determined. Contemporary culture -Western culture especially- remains rather primitive in its attitudes toward sexuality and in recent years we've seen quite a reversal in the state of sexual sophistication. This will definitely have its impact. Would the orbital settlement see a more progressive shift in its cultural attitudes to accommodate its different situation? Perhaps only time will tell.
Asgard Colonial phase:
This phase of development would be marked by the creation of the largest of orbital settlements practical with the EvoHab technology and the creation of multiple such settlements as LEO locations are ultimately abandoned (or converted into transfer stations) for GEO locations and eventually Lagrange Points. This is the point where Asgard ends and Solaris begins; the transition from settlement of Earth orbit to the colonization of orbital space throughout the solar system. By this phase the infrastructure of remote resource utilization would be robust enough for the economy of the Asgard settlement (or settlements) to have begun a comprehensive shift from Earth market dependency to local market self-sufficiency. While the settlement phase was marked by the initial establishment of a space resource utilization infrastructure, limited industrial diversity would have maintained a strong reliance on the Earth economy, self sufficiency seen primarily as a means to improving the bottom-line of export goods production. But now the local industrial capability of Asgard should be sufficient to support a completely independent civilization with virtually all goods produced by domestic industry. Asgard would enter a phase of escalating import deficit with ramifications in terms of the economic and political leverage that represents.
LEO is ultimately an impractical location for settlement due to the instability of orbits there. No settlement built in that location is likely to be sustainable long term or be particularly useful when deploying spacecraft to other parts of the solar system. Indeed, the development of a comprehensive Space Elevator system may result in an abandonment of most LEO satellite use in order that the threat of tether impacts be eliminated. But the reliance on GEO positions and beyond presents new challenges in the design of the habitat and the spacecraft that serve it due to the loss of protection from the Earth's magnetosphere. Radiation exposure now becomes a much more critical issue in the lives of permanent orbital settlement inhabitants and new technologies will be needed to address this. One likely development in this respect is the creation of plasma shield systems for use as artificial magnetospheres, both for habitat structures and spacecraft. In its infancy today, such technology could potentially allow for the continued use of transparent observation domes on settlements, keep physical shielding masses to volumes only sufficient for impact shielding, and eliminate the need for special heavily shielded mass shelters for solar flare emergencies. They may also serve extra duty for attitude control through solar wind deflection. Nanotechnology is likely to emerge as a key factor in this phase but will likely be in the NanoChip and NanoFoundry phases of its development in this period and so will not likely impact structural design except in terms of component performance and fabrication technique.
Scale is the primary change for Asgard architecture in this phase with individual habitat enclosures reaching their largest practical size using EvoHab components and new clustered habitat structures -forming fractal branching arrays of such habitat spaces each with their own urban tree into a single complex- allowing for truly vast communities. Not much else in terms of habitat design may change unless -as is likely to be finally determined by this time- it becomes clear that there is no clinical solution to microgravity degeneration of the human body. If this proves to be the case than in this phase a radical shift in habitat design would take place beginning with the creation of hybrid artificial gravity habitats as described in my previous descriptions of the Asgard stage.
Deriving from systems for precision controlled gravitation in MUOF facilities and possible exercise facilities on earlier settlements, this hybrid rotating habitat would incorporate the use of a gravity deck ring or cylinder supported by magnetic bearings which would rotate within, and independently of, the usual microgravity EvoHab structure. Used primarily for residential space as habitation there would represent the majority of the daily activity cycle, the design of structures would be radically different from that of the dwelling pods of the urban tree habitat. Though still relying on a materials composition of fabric, foam, and light alloy or composite components, the design of dwellings would tend toward a one or two storey townhouse style of configuration relying on long circumference avenues or series of sunken atriums to create an 'outdoor' space providing light and transit between the dwellings. Where the gravity deck is sufficiently wide, a reef-like arrangement of sprawling avenue networks or varied shaped sunken atriums may be employed to allow for the roof space of dwellings to double as recreational garden space -though the need to minimize structural mass on the gravity deck would limit the scale of this gardening. Views of the surrounding structure -and possibly the central core as well- would have to be obscured to prevent vertigo and thus the habitat may have to employ light diffusing screen structures to create translucent skylights over the gravity deck. This would offer some useful experience for the design of later subterranean habitats for lunar and planetary settlement. These structures would generally follow a style of interior design consistent with Earth dwellings, will full storey height and normal portals. But they would also need to be designed to accommodate both microgravity and gravity conditions since, early on, the gravity deck is likely to see frequent slows and stops as its technology is refined and as it deals with periodic transfers of large bulk materials and components during phases of construction. This would call for a high reliance on built-in fixtures, positive connection of all structure, and relatively small spaces that can be easily moved about in during microgravity conditions.
Transition between the rotating and non-rotating portions of the structure would be accomplished through the use of a shuttle system on the edge of the gravity deck that would employ alternate braking on tracks connected to the gravity deck and the outer structure to alternately decelerate and accelerate a shuttle car. The shuttle car would then dock at a stationary microgravity station where access to the core structure would be provided by zip cord.
With the availability of gravity many traditional forms of terrestrial recreation may become available but limited space would still limit the range of activities that can be supported. But small court sports activities and other types of recreation common to urban settings may prove practical.
The use of such hybrid artificial gravity habitats would not be practical at very large scales, the use of gravity decks employed primarily as a retrofit to existing settlements. Rotating habitats cannot use volumetric space as efficiently as microgravity habitats and thus real estate on these gravity decks would be costly. They would not support extensive gardening because of mass limitations and so might actually present less of a naturalistic feel to their living environment than the microgravity habitats. Thus as new artificial gravity based habitats are built it would be much more practical to employ whole-rotating structures simply to increase their potential economy, usable in-gravity surface area, and mass capacity -though their cost would still be quite high in comparison to microgravity structures. As previously described, these habitats would employ the EvoHab structural technology as the basis of a wound-hull system, using the enclosure space frame as a winding form for laminate tapes of nanofiber which ultimately bear the structural loads and provide pressure containment while providing matrixes of connector sockets for the attachment of replaceable shield panels and other exterior fixtures and simple structural columns and decking on the interior. Using strictly cylindrical shapes and with spherical end-caps akin to conventional EvoHab hulls (as they would not bear the loads of the primary cylinder walls) these habitats would feature a reduced core truss structure serving primarily as a support for a membrane light diffuser system for sunlight collected by exterior heliostat arrays and piped into the habitat by vacuum core fiber optic tubing or rigid light guides -a simpler, safer, and more economical solution than the vast window structures proposed with previous orbital colony designs. It may also host some microgravity facilities along the core truss but would need to keep them within very close proximity of the polar axis of the structure to maintain the microgravity conditions -and even then it would still tend to be low-g. This type of structure would be designed to support expansion in all dimensions but with easiest expansion along its polar axis through incremental extensions of the underlying winding form truss structure at the perimeter of the main cylinder walls followed by migration through concentric layers of the end-caps.
Exploiting the virtues of nanofiber materials, these structures could readily achieve circumferences orders of magnitude greater than anything imagined by the classic space colony visionaries of the 1970s -as NASA engineers have already surmised. And even as they reach their maximum circumference, they longitudinal expansion would be unlimited. Indeed, it is not infeasible to consider the use of these habitats ringing entire Earth orbits. (or, as I proposed for the Solaris stage, entire solar orbits) Yet they would still face a problem with the efficient use of their interior space because, as vast as they would be, little of their interior volume would actually be usable. All functional space is at the cylinder surface. Thus there would be a constant competition for space between human habitat and surface area for the cultivation of gardens and parkland. Early smaller habitats of this type may deal with this problem by confining residence to a select handful of sunken avenues and atriums employing a few levels of terracing akin to the 'tectonic' architecture employed on the Aquarius marine colonies. Deeper interior space would thus be relegated to more industrial uses. However, at the maximum habitat scale we can expect the number of deck levels supported by the hull structure to approximate the height of contemporary super-skyscrapers. This would result in the creation of a vast intricately articulated tectonic landscape of vast terraced valleys and mountain forms very much like those of the Aquarius marine colonies and offering an effectively identical style of residential architecture based on terrace-edge dwellings built up of modular partition components within a 'wedding cake' style deck system. Some of these terraced mountain forms may be used to create periodically spaced access towers to the central core, allowing both human traffic to the facilities there but also providing conduits for the light from the external surface mounted heliostat arrays and a system of MagLev docking shuttles used to provide spacecraft access along the sides of the habitat rather than just the ends.
One key problem with such habitats is that they would not be able to internally host the full compliment of microgravity industrial activities that are vital to their subsistence. These would have to be hosted on separate structures using the original structural approaches of MUOL and MUOF. The use of large counter-rotating pressure-sealed hubs to transition between full-g and zero-g regions of a habitat, as has been a mainstay of the space stations featured in classic space futurism and sci-fi, is likely to prove very problematic in reality as the hub structures must continually rotate without wear for an indefinite duty life. The larger both full-g and zero-g portions become relative to each other the more problems any temporary halt of the rotating portions due to hub failure becomes. For the large habitat this could be quite the disaster. Non-contact counter-rotating hubs based on simpler magnetic bearings -derived from the same technology employed for the hybrid rotating habitat systems- could be employed to provide a true microgravity environment for structures within the enclosure of the full-g structure at the habitat core or outside at the center of the end caps. This may also be employed to provide a non-contact counter-rotation interface to radiating structures about the outer cylinder walls. Transfer capsule shuttles -likewise on magnetic bearings- would then be used to transfer between regions. However, the simplest, and perhaps most likely strategy may be to employ a toroidal topology in the configuration of the full-g hull structure so that one has two structural cores, the inner-one non-pressurized and using magnetic bearings to isolate it from the wall of the outer one. This arrangement may allow for the simplest design of transfer capsules to move people and goods between the two regions while maintaining a structural design most consistent with the previous types of EvoHab structures.
Future nanotech materials may solve this problem in the form of 'psuedosolids'; materials formed of precision interlocking molecular structures that are rigid and can contain pressure yet will allow their molecular components to roll or slide with little friction along a specific axis almost like gears while maintaining a strong rigid molecular bond along all other axis. This would allow one to create pressurized tunnels or hub sleeves that can twist infinitely without ever coming apart. Today, though, such materials are pure speculation.
Asgard and the Space Elevator:
Let us now consider the effect of Space Elevator development on the course of Asgard development. As I described previously, the MUOL and the first generation Space Elevator would be logical companions as the MUOL's initial payload needs are within the likely capacity of early tether climber systems. For the MUOL to accommodate SE use its structure must maintain a position adjacent to the tether within reach of its robot arms and may employ robots with a longer reach than usual for this purpose. This would favor an orientation where the service-side of the station plane truss faces the tether and, when the MUOF stage is reached and the station scale is sufficient, its folds into a bay wrapping around the tether. This may require a very large bay section in order to accommodate the passing of tether climbers, since they must also deliver payloads to other higher altitude points along the tether length. There would be no other particular change in the design of the MUOL except that, in order to be a part of the SE system, it would be compelled to employ a GEO location along the tether from the start. Without the SE GEO locations are more costly to support because of the larger launch systems needed reach them and the possible need for LEO stations as inter-orbit transfer stations. But the SE would effectively eliminate that extra cost making its use no more expensive -if not actually cheaper. However, this economy would not extend to passenger transit for a very long time due to the initial inability of the SE system to support payloads of such size or provide high transit speeds.
This would be an ideal situation for Asgard development as communications latency is low and constant for GEO locations, whereas the LEO facility would see latency which continuously varies over a very large range from very short to very long. GEO locations are also much more useful for transit to the rest of the solar system and much more stable. But GEO locations are beyond the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere and this presents complications for initial deployment of manned habitats as they must employ much heavier radiation shielding. This may compel the acceleration of the development of plasma shield systems or the use of EvoHab structures whose modular external shield panels would allow for much thicker shielding. It may also mean that tourism must do without the novelty of transparent observation domes unless plasma shield technology is realized before-hand.
Another advantage to SE use is that an Aquarius colony becomes the logical location for the Downstation facility supporting the SE and this means an acceleration in the exploitation of industrial capability on the MUOL as the marine colony would be able to host complimentary portions of production with a direct link between Earth and space. This means that in the production of products using space produced materials or components the space production facilities can be seen as an integrated component in a surface-based production system, though transit times on the tether would initially be some weeks long. As Asgard and the SE grow so too would Aquarius in the traditional coastal urban role of nexus for intermodal transport. Aquarius -and any subsequent SE equipped marine colonies- would become Earth's premier interface to space, resulting in its development to a scale perhaps never imagined by Marshal Savage.
Current SE project schemes seem to have put little thought into the long term development of the technology. I remain puzzled by how their project developers and advocates seem to perceive any suggestion of the eventual development of systems beyond the scale of their initial thin tape traction climber based technologies as pure science fiction. There simply is no question that for the SE to become a vital transportation technology in competition with other launch systems it must pursue a continual expansion in scale and capability, which would imply a relatively straightforward strategy based on incremental tether expansion by laminate addition of nanofiber tapes. As I've described in previous articles, I envision SE expansion to be initially based on a simple thickening of the tether and then a transition into a polygonal section corrugated structure with a series of channels or tubes which would eventually host different functions including MagLeg driven elevators and data, power, and possibly molar materials transportation using channels as waveguides for laser and maser beams. At terminal points the sectional volume of the tether would be expanded around truss forms to allow the internal channels to be individually accessed through exterior portals while at the same time not causing any reduction of the mass of tether laminate structure. These terminal point portals may ultimately host MUOF structures and Transhab habitats using the tether as a primary attachment point, though until the tether was quite large an outer truss structure is more likely to increase attachment surface area. This could lead to the development of the use of the tether as a direct replacement for the core truss of large habitats, an urban tree habitat being physically attached to it.
Some visionaries have suggested the ultimate development of a vast GEO urban ring as a result of the development of multiple SE systems and their link-up along the GEO path. It has been suggested that in this way the stability of individual SE tethers would be further increased allowing for even larger scale expansion. Considering the potential of the SE tether as a replacement for a core truss in an EvoHab structure, we can easily imagine how this GEO urban ring could be created simply by fabricating a tether along the GEO trajectory and enclosing it in an EvoHab hull to allow it to host that urban tree all along its length. Artificial gravity habitats would need to employ either the hybrid gravity deck strategy previously described or use a toroidal topology hull with magnetic bearings around the tether core. The potential carrying capacity of such a structure would be truly vast -yet insignificant when one considers that the exact same approach could be employed for solar orbits! We will look further into that possibility in a later article on the Solaria stage.
This larger rotating habitat now offers more options for a better
ergonomic environment. But the surface area of the habitat will still
be very expensive because such rotating structures don't make the most
efficient use of their volume. Thus it is likely that the 'subtopolis'
strategy will still be used for most habitat space and the top surface
dedicated entirely to farming, parkland, and recreation purposes.
Eric Hunting
Eric Hunting

Revision as of 17:51, 25 April 2007

On The Architecture Of Asgard

In this piece I'd like to discuss the details of the Asgard phase and habitat and how, much like Aquarius, the architecture of the orbital colony must evolve over time from a small and unmanned structure to a kind of colony that can become the basis of an on-orbit civilization.

The space station has probably been the subject of more speculation among futurists, engineers, writers, artists, and architects than the marine colony yet, in spite of a vast and colorful spectrum of different proposed space structures, no space system or facility deployed to date has actually been designed with the practical situation of space settlement in mind. Space agencies seem to forever miss the point when it comes to space station design. The structures they deploy never make the leap from ultimately disposable Earth-dependent prefab structures to structures with a potential for practical on-orbit fabrication, let alone evolution to permanent self-supporting settlement. Space habitat design is still stuck in the 'outpost' mode of thinking.

The priorities of exploration are rooted in the priorities of survival with life-support at the top of the list. The harsher the environment being explored the more one is compelled to bring along to maintain survival with the environment of space so harsh that, as it has often been assumed, everything needed for survival must be sent with explorers, thus necessitating the ultimate in what is essentially 'camping' gear. But the priorities of settlement are rooted in the priorities of subsistence -a very different equation. The outpost is, by definition, a temporary habitat. It is meant to function only for a short time. To provide life-support until its supplies run out or until its lines of re-supply are abandoned. The settlement is permanent and to be permanent it must cultivate an infrastructure which exploits local resources for its subsistence, turning those resources into goods to support local life-support and turning what surpluses it can generate into product it can trade for those goods it needs but cannot locally produce. Thus the tree of priorities of settlement derives not out of life-support but out of industry. Living in space means learning how to make as much as you can in space, and that includes -if not starts with- the habitat itself. Thus what is needed in the practical architecture of the permanent orbital settlement is systems of structure and construction designed specifically for on-orbit fabrication and the perpetual evolution of structure to suit changing needs. Most everything one can make needs to be made in a different way in the orbital environment and not enough -if any- effort by the government space agencies has been put into the necessary technologies of subsistence. When they think about 'subsistence' they resort to the priorities of basic survival and so devise elaborate systems for the production of food, air, and water yet overlook the even more critical and fundamental question of how one builds those systems from stuff there in the environment. THAT is the difference between temporary survival and permanent subsistence.

In my previous articles on Asgard I presented the concept of the EvoHab as an evolution of orbital settlement architecture beginning with the MUOL -the modular unmanned orbital habitat. In that material I discussed how the settlement of orbital space must begin with the establishment of an industrial infrastructure which, at first, has no strict need for human settlers until the scale and complexity of systems precludes the cost-effectiveness of the common satellite's scheme of planned obsolescence, thus necessitating on-demand maintenance down to a level of intricacy too elaborate for teleoperated robotics to handle. Thus the beginning of the Asgard phase is based on an unmanned teleoperated facility focused not on the priorities of human survival but on the research and development of the technologies of orbital industrial production intended to produce products for terrestrial consumption. It is from this one develops the technology and capability to produce goods for local subsistence, and thereby enables perpetual life-support for permanent human settlement. We will not rehash that previous article here. Instead, I would like to discuss in more detail the specific designs of habitats and their systems and how they must evolve over time to support the development of large orbital settlements. I envision Asgard as moving through a series of development phases not dissimilar to that of Aquarius -following a progression toward great industrial self-sufficiency but with the key difference of beginning with an unmanned automated facility, a step unnecessary for Aquarius. We'll start with the MUOL and a look into the core of its design concepts, as it originates a series of architectural ideas that will carry through the whole of the Asgard stage of TMP and into other stages as well.

MUOL phase: The modular unmanned orbital laboratory is actually a very simple facility in design and concept and yet it is fundamentally different from any space structure currently or previously deployed. The basic premise of the MUOL is that of a perpetually expandable and upgradeable teleoperated orbital laboratory located either in LEO, GEO, or at the GEO up-station position of a first generation Space Elevator system. The MUOL functions as a modular 'backplane' like the passive backplane of an industrial computer, hosting laboratories and small factories in the form of self-contained modules which plug into both the frame structure of the station and a standardized service backplane which provides isolated interfaces to power, thermal management, and Internet Protocol based data communications. The MUOL structure consists of a cubic geometry space frame in the form of a box truss with a one-to-several meter module size that can expand in any direction. It uses special quick-connect frame node components which provide the primary attachment points for all other components using mechanically locked bayonet connectors. The struts of the truss provide a secondary series of attachment points, using clamp connectors. With its nodes as the primary attachment points, the geometry of the space frame defines the basic geometry of all the components attaching to it, the majority taking the form of simple boxes slightly smaller in base dimensions than the cubic module size of the space frame.

The initial configuration of the station would be based on a simple box truss beam growing from seed package consisting of a carrier pallet with initial core command/communication module, a service robot, and a container of truss components. This initial beam would establish a basic organization with service systems using the perimeter edge and space-facing side of the station while 'client' modules use the earth-facing side of the station. As the station grows the initial beam form would be expanded into a plane truss in both length and width with axial truss booms to host solar, radiator, and telecom modules.

Service of the station is performed using a series of 'inch worm' telerobotic arms which have dual modular end-effectors and connect to the station using modular anchor and tool pallet modules that plug into the station service backplane. Both ends of these 'inch worms' are identical, their end effectors plugging into either anchor modules or tools. This allows the robot arm to reposition about the station by 'walking' from one anchor module to another. In addition to these robots, the station is maintained by several 'service' modules which include deployable solar panel, radiator, thruster, telecom/network management, component storage, and shield panel modules.

Being a non-pressurized station there is no need for special docking structures to provide access to it. All transit to the station would be provided by the use of 'carrier pallets' which are simple chassis structures which components plug-into for transport and which have their own propulsion systems, embedded flight control intelligence, and teleoperated control systems. These pallets would be designed to fly to within reach of the station robots which capture them, plug them temporarily into the station frame, and remove their cargo then later reuse them for de-orbit of waste material. Some may be designed for recovery, featuring reentry shield and recovery components. In some cases specialized recovery units may be supplied to the station or even attached to specific modules. This approach would allow the station to be serviced by any existing launch systems without adaptation, affording it the largest diversity of potential transit systems it is likely to have in it history. Even modest systems such as today's Pegasus launch systems could effectively support this station. And it is well suited to the very modest carrying capacities of first generation Space Elevator climber systems.

The station's command and control architecture mirrors its physical architecture. The station is essentially a completely homogenous network structure based on an Internet Protocol WAN and the use of embedded intelligence in all modules. There is no central control computer on the station. It's core computer systems serve primarily for network support services and latency-sensitive higher-level control and are integrated in its telecommunications service modules. Everything else relies on web-controllers -embedded computers which feature a simple built-in web server that hosts a virtual control panel for manual operation of the module and which can also communicate in byte-code commands which can be managed and generated by other higher-level programs called 'sequencers' which can control groups of modules collectively and can run either in systems on the ground or on the station's core computers -and in some situations on the service module's own web servers. In this way control and management of the station is distributed across systems both on board the station and on the ground and with the IP network infrastructure providing innumerable options for redundant communications and control routing. A much more reliable and efficient architecture than the more typical systems in spacecraft which rely on too much dedication and centralization of discrete control links, leading to concentrated failure points, a waste of much physical mass, and control network hardware that is very difficult to service. This architecture would also be employed for all the lab and factory modules installed on the station, using a second isolated IP network which hosts VPN channels for the individual station clients. This command and control architecture is a very important feature. I envision it being mirrored in the utilities infrastructure of just about every kind of facility employed in the overall scheme of TMP (I've already described how it would be used for the utilities systems of Aquarius) and being the basis of launch control systems and the command and control systems of later spacecraft.

The design of client modules -those modules which are provided by lease space tenants of the station- starts with the geometry of the space frame and the interface to the service backplane. Sizes of modules are limited to multiples of the space frame module size and can assume most any shape within the bounds of this grid, but must be unified rather than sprawling shapes. As noted before, the service backplane provides 'isolated' interface to power, communications, and thermal regulation. This is performed through optical, inductive, and passive thermal exchange interfaces which insure that the internal plumbing and electronics of the client modules remain isolated from that of the station. This is done to insure that power overloads in client modules and other types of failures do not cause further damage to the station or adjacent client modules. Client modules may be disposable (having a fixed duty life and a fixed built-in reserve of supplies), recoverable (being returned whole to the earth for product collection, analysis, and refurbishing), or perpetual using modular cartridges for resupply and recovery of product. There are three basic forms of client modules; rack modules, open pallets, and enclosed modules.

Rack modules are the smallest of client modules and would rely on a special rack carrier pallet module designed to host them. They would be similar in form to rack mount electronic equipment but use a quick-connect interface and a standard end-effector attachment point to make installation and removal by the service robots easier. Rack carrier pallets would offer bay space that is either partially enclosed or fully open, depending on the need for access to the space environment or views of the earth.

Open pallet modules are those full modules which are intended primarily for access to the space environment -most likely for experiments in materials that need space exposure. They would tend to be relatively rare.

Enclosed modules would be the primary form of full module and would generally consist of simple containers that house self-contained teleoperated labs and, later, factories. Their enclosure is chosen as a way to either protect the internal systems from the space environment or to allow for a pressurized environment -in most cases, pressurized units likely to employ a nitrogen-only atmosphere. Though not allowed to sprawl in shape individually, a lab can employ multiple modules with transfer ports between them, allowing for the creation of a sprawling complex of individual modules which each house an individual workstation. In this way later factories could develop assembly lines of specialized process workstation modules. The internal configuration of these modules is likely to follow a simple pattern. If dedicated to a relatively simple task based on simple systems of high reliability, a more monolithic internal structure may be used. If based on more complex systems or designed for a broad spectrum of activities, a more open-interior design would be used to accommodate one or more internal service robots which would be used to perform internal module maintenance and move supplies and product around between different points inside the module. This would tend to be common with larger modules, using central face mounted fixed position robots or, as the modules get progressively larger, single or multiple robots on centralized transverse rails running through the core of the module. Normally, the internal maintenance of any module would be left to its internal systems. The exterior service robots would be used only for the exchange of external plug-in supply and recovery cartridges. But it is possible that some modules may feature access ports to allow the external service robot access to the interior through the use of a special micro-manipulator tool head.

One of the interesting aspects of the MUOL concept is that proof of concept for the facility doesn't require orbital deployment. A largely functional mock-up of the station can be readily constructed on the ground, making it relatively easy to engineer its systems, test their performance, demonstrate the station operations, and generally greatly reduce the cost of R&D for the project. The one limitation in this ground based testing is the inability to support high-mass object manipulation due to the complications of gravity but low-mass dummy objects can still be used as analogs with high mass characteristics simulated in software, along with the effects of communications latency. Much PR value can be obtained from this functional mock-up as it makes both the station itself tangible and can perfectly simulate the installation, service, communications conditions of operation clients can expect for their lab projects.

MUOF phase: Since the ultimate goal of the MUOL is the development of industrial techniques resulting in the on-orbit manufacture of products it must ultimately evolve into a robust factory facility -or more precisely an industrial 'campus' playing host to a number of manufacturing operations. Initial orbital factory systems will be quite similar in nature to the laboratory systems first deployed on the MUOL but more dedicated in function with the option to spread serial production processes among multiple modules or to deploy modules of progressively larger scale. However, the initial MUOL systems -though easily replaceable and upgradeable- are still based on a duty life model similar to that of telecommunications satellites where planned obsolescence is based on statistical mean-time between failures and where whole module replacement is considered a more practical option than on-site repair -if not the only option for very small components. But as production systems increase in scale and the products produced on-orbit become commodities this approach becomes less cost-effective. Larger facilities have longer periods of amortization for their investment yet at the same time mean-time between failures shrink. Downtime periods become increasingly costly the larger the production volume and the more narrow the profit margin on goods produced. Planned obsolescence of whole facilities becomes impractical and, instead, the factory must increase in serviceability in order to allow perpetual sub-component level maintenance.

This situation is likely to result in the evolution of a new kind of orbital factory; a built-up structure that employs the basic components of the MUOL to create larger enclosures hosting full scale MUOL modules as modular subsystems within the factory structure. This Modular Unmanned Orbital Factory or MUOF would be sheltered behind a hull of modular plug-in shield panels or, if pressurized, employ a TransHab style pneumatic hull system inside which the structural space frame is assembled. Non-pressurized enclosures would tend to take on rectilinear or prismatic polygon shapes and have their components arrayed primarily along their inner walls. Transhab units would be cylindrical in shape with smaller units concentrating factory component modules along a central core truss and larger ones replacing the core truss with a perimeter space frame allowing for an inner-wall arrangement similar to the unpressurized factories. New node components, accommodating new structural geometries, would be employed to support these new larger enclosure shapes. The MUOF would employ its own internal robots similar to the external service robots in their scale and multi-function capability along with higher precision robots intended for a much smaller scale of inspection and servicing. It may also have its own docking ports for access by more specialized reusable service vehicles.

The MUOF frame structures would be a direct extension of the original MUOL frame structure, though utilities would still be isolated from that of the station at large. Individual MUOF structures would be arranged on the station much as the earlier individual MUOL modules were, with the client facilities on the Earth-facing side and the service facilities on the space facing side. However, as MUOF facilities eventually dominate the mass of the station the primary structure of the station will begin to see a transformation. Openings through the primary plane truss would be used to allow MUOFs to exchange containerized goods through the truss rather than over and around the Earth-facing side. This would become necessary as the surface area of the station's plane truss becomes quite large and the space-facing side of the structure becomes used increasingly as a mustering area for cargo, dedicating robots to primarily cargo handling and edge space to the docking of reusable vehicles in addition to the disposable carrier pallets. The wider the area of the plane truss the longer transit spans become and the more robots that become engaged in cargo handling. This may eventually result in a 'folding' of the station into a radial prismatic structure with a square, hexagonal, or other polygonal section to make cargo transit easier, giving the station an overall form akin to that of individual MUOF facilities but on a larger scale and creating a large hollow interior bay used primarily as a storage and transit corridor for product and a docking facility for spacecraft. This would become important with the advent of reusable service spacecraft of progressively larger scale, these requiring progressively more specialized docking structures. This shift to a radial station form could also result in a shift in orientation of the station with one bay end Earth-facing and the other space-facing. solar arrays congregating to the space-facing end and telecom structures congregating on the Earth-facing end.

This MUOF phase may also see the first experiments in the acquisition and processing of materials in space for on-orbit supply of feed stocks for factory production or the fabrication of structural components. A logical choice of initial source of raw material for such experimentation is the earth orbit itself, with its swarms of debris from past space activity. The clearing of this debris is also a valuable commercial service by itself, which the MUOL operation can profit on in service charges to governments while obtaining these raw materials. Two strategies for the recovery of this orbital debris are likely. One is to adapt MUOL carrier pallet vehicles into reusable inter-orbit vehicles equipped with capture mechanisms and manipulators and which use solar powered tether booster systems for primary propellent-free propulsion. The recent advent of nanofiber mats as a non-chemical adhesive may allow for the creation of new capture methods for small debris based on large flexible paddles or petals. Another approach is beam steering, where a constellation of orbital lasers or particle beams is used to target and alter the trajectory of debris (using their own molecular ejecta as propellant) in order to guide it to large capture stations. Sophisticated new recycling techniques would be needed to convert this material into usable feedstocks, though a high proportion of aluminum alloys among space debris may make this a bit easier. And new kinds of storage structures based on the MUOF approach to construction would be needed. In any case, these experiments would provide very useful experience for later development of orbital mining systems.

In this phase, or shortly before it, we can also expect to see the MUOL technology begin to be employed in the on-orbit construction of new larger satellites and interplanetary exploration craft -and possibly manned craft as well. The MUOL's technology offers the option to deploy spacecraft of any scale regardless of the launch capability one has available because it becomes so easy to assemble spacecraft on-orbit from the very same kinds of components used to build the MUOL itself. The variety of spacecraft that could be built in this way is unlimited and by the addition of transhab habitat modules -as well as a new manned-system component rating- it is a simple matter to make them manned spacecraft. While the unmanned spacecraft might assume a vast assortment of configurations the manned spacecraft are likely to have their configurations dominated by the transhab units with the most likely forms based on truss beams passing through the transhab units and with propulsion and functional systems on booms at either end. By varying the scale of the core truss and the habitat modules, a quite diverse range of manned mission vehicles could be realized with this simple configuration. Thus in this phase we may expect the MUOL to spawn quite an impressive menagerie of systems and vehicles with applications ranging from telecommunication platforms to prototype space solar power systems to manned missions to the Moon and Mars and unmanned missions to the asteroids and outer planets -all using essentially the same technology and all assembled on orbit at the MUOL and similar facilities.

Asgard Outpost phase: As orbital factories continue to grow in scale and complexity they begin to approach the limits of telerobotics to perform efficient repair and maintenance. LEO facilities actually have a worse time of it as they suffer much greater and varying latency in their telecommunications links than GEO facilities because of the movement of LEO objects relative to operations centers on the ground. Clever engineering to match the task to the tools along with steady advances in robotics will allow for practical teleoperation for a long time but at a certain point it is likely that the cost of manning the station with technicians will start to become nominal compared to the economic losses incurred due to the limitations of telerobotics. It is at this point the MUOL will begin its evolution toward a manned orbital colony, starting with an outpost facility. This would be an 'outpost' facility because, at this stage of development and available technology, it is unlikely to be able to host a permanent resident population. It has not yet established the orbital resource exploitation infrastructure necessary to independently support a resident population -and the medical technology to allow this in the absence of artificial gravity may not yet be available. So at the beginning of this phase, at least, the station will be home to human crew on rotation, usually spending no more than weeks at a time and totally dependent upon the earth for its continual re-supply much like today's existing primitive space stations. This community would be akin to that of oil rig workers, though these would be much more highly trained individuals. They would most likely be housed in Transhab-style station modules, probably using the same structures developed for pressurized MUOF use. Current experimental Transhab modules -originally developed with the International Space Station in mind- have tended to be over-complex and over-massed in their design. They are based on the use of a 'deck' division which have never made a lot of sense in a microgravity environment. Thus the pneumatic habitat enclosure likely employed here would be much simpler in design, using a MUOL truss core with end-cap bulkheads that plug directly into the external truss structure as well as connector modules similarly matched to the truss geometry. All internal systems and fixtures would be retrofit to the truss core, some structures branching off of it. If it becomes necessary to employ the area of the inner wall of the pneumatic hull for equipment mounting, a perimeter internal space frame structure would be employed for equipment attachment, just as in pressurized MUOFs.

These outpost worker's primary job would be MUOF maintenance and, for the most part, this would still be done telerobotically relying simply on the technician's proximity to eliminate telecom latency. However, they would also be able to physically enter MUOF facilities when needed or could have components removed to the interior of their habitat for hands-on repair in a shirt-sleeve environment.

The initial manned habitat would be quite crude due to the need to maximize the amount of utility from habitat modules which may be quite small and be completely devoid of actual windows -relying on much cheaper and safer video windows. Crews would be small and there would be minimal privacy -but, thankfully, duty periods would be relatively short and technicians would spend most of their time waiting for failures -most scheduled maintenance still being done from the ground. The habitat modules would interface to the station essentially the same way as MUOF facilities would with workers using the service face or bay of the structure during the rare EVA or possibly deploying pneumatic access tunnels to pressurized MUOF structures.

This phase could also see the introduction of a tourism facility based on similar habitat systems -or the development of a largely separate tourism outpost. This would most certainly be limited to a LEO position at this phase. Most tourism station proposals have tended to be rather elaborate but, realistically, they would tend to have to start out with the same kind of simple habitat technology employed for MUOF maintenance workers. Thus I envision a simple facility consisting of a simple 'star' shaped array of Transhab modules around a central docking hub with the possible addition of large window hatches at the module ends and perhaps a large specially constructed observation cupola in the form of a large transparent semi-sphere. That cupola would be one of the most expensive (perhaps as much as the whole rest of the tourism facility combined) features of the tourist facility -both in terms of its fabrication and transportation. But it would be a key attraction because it would offer a space-walk experience with a shirt-sleeve environment. Another possible feature would be a 'space sphere' where a conventional but large and spherical transhab module with no central core truss is deployed as a large open recreational space.

With the addition of manned habitats comes a need for new pressurized docking structures which will mean a specialization in the service vehicles for the manned portions of the outpost. These would tend to rely on docking structures on the TransHab ends, rather than the usual edge or bay docking structures used for automated cargo handling.

We must also consider in this phase the possibility of the beginning of a diversion in the path of space development in favor of transhumanist colonization. The odds seem low that a truly sentient AI would appear at this stage of development, though it may in the long-term be an inevitability. If AI appears at all by this time, it will initially take the form of fairly specialized computer programs engineered to perform fairly specific tasks and relying more heavily on sophisticated vision processing systems than on the AI 'decision making' itself. But this would still be enough to allow a more diverse range of higher precision robots operated from station-based computers to overcome most of the latency problems associated with teleoperation. There would still be a heavy reliance on ground control but now the systems of the station could be assigned complex tasks to do independently with the AI systems only needing human consultation in exceptional situations and steadily acquiring accumulated experience to incrementally extend this task-independence. This technology could see the MUOL/MUOF facility achieve extremely large scales without any need for a human presence -unless introduced solely for tourism and scientific purposes.

Now, while this would seem to present a possible delay in the manned settlement of space, there is a factor in this which could result in the reverse. Overcoming the obstacles of latency without the overhead of human worker support means an accelerated pace of exploitation of orbital resources. The technologies of human life support are of secondary importance to the technologies of resource exploitation -since the former cannot be sustained without the latter. To support safe and rapid human settlement in space one must establish a broad infrastructure with very long lines of communication (materials, goods, and information) due to the fact that resources are not homogeneously distributed in the solar system. The sooner that kind of infrastructure can be established -even if it's to support the use of an unmanned facility- the sooner human settlement for its own sake becomes practical. Latency limits the reach of resource exploitation and development from any given location and if it requires the establishment of progressively more far-flung human settlements to reach far enough into the solar system to access the full spectrum of materials a high standard of living in space requires then the pace of progress for human settlement would be fairly protracted. But AI not only overcomes the latency problem in Earth orbit, it overcomes it for every part of the solar system. It becomes as practical to operate mining plant in the Oort Cloud as it does to operate a station in LEO. Thus one has the means to rapidly establish a solar-system-wide infrastructure long before anyone thinks of leaving the Earth.

However, while sentient AI is not necessary for this development, the technology necessary to host sentient AI is little different from that needed to host its non-sentient cousins. Thus in the process of establishing this resource utilization infrastructure one would be simultaneously creating the very same advance settlements an AI civilization would ultimately use. Even long before the first sentient AI is created, an AI civilization would have a head-start on colonization!

Asgard Settlement phase:

The transition of Asgard from an outpost to a true settlement would be marked the establishment of local industries producing components for the construction and maintenance of the station and life support goods made from materials sourced in space. With this capability the station has the ability to establish permanent populations supported primarily by space resources -assuming that by this time a clinical solution to the problem of physical deterioration in microgravity is at least partially realized. This phase would also see the development of mass exploitation of orbital solar power as a primary industry, relying on space resources for the cheap production of vast solar power arrays providing beamed power to not only the Earth but multiple points in Earth orbit.

With a steady diversification of industrial, commercial, and recreational activity on the station the resulting steady increase in on-orbit population would require new kinds of habitat structures to support a living environment comfortable for progressively longer duration. Simple Transhab style habitat modules would be insufficient in scale to provide a comfortable private residence unless entire modules were turned over to individual habitation. That approach is inefficient because it requires a constant increase in the number of pressure hatch connections in the overall structure, increasing the number of potential failure points and resulting in portions of structure that become progressively more difficult to reach for maintenance and module replacement. As long as the station must rely on some components of large scale that are being made and supplied from Earth -such as pneumatic habitat enclosures- it must remain topologically simple. Thus the support of increased populations would favor the development of shared habitat structures of progressively larger scale. The need to create an attractive environment for tourism purposes and psychological well-being also favors structures which can provide some generous open space to create the illusion of an easily accessible 'outdoors'. The first wave of space tourism has been driven primarily by Space Age nostalgia and the fantasy/mystique of the astronaut lifestyle. 'Roughing it' has been an accepted part of that experience -much as it is for 'dude ranches' simulating the cowboy life. But the second wave of space tourism is likely to be about accessibility -about the 'packaging' of the space experience in a way that the maximum diversity of patrons can enjoy it. So just as the tents and foot trails into the wilderness give way to the rustic lodge hotels and tour-bus roadways of the national park so too would space tourism shift toward the presentation of a progressively more comfort-oriented environment that builds attractions on top of those basic novelties of the space environment. Comfort and luxury become increasingly important to the equation of permanent settlement as well because for a large number of people to want to live in space they have to be able to perceive it as a place where they can realize all their desires -and ideally with greater ease than on Earth. That's a challenge in an environment that imposes very great and critical demands on the physical shape and performance of shelter and with the cultural legacy of over a century of very fanciful portrayals of life in space.

The likely initial approach to new larger habitat modules would be to improve upon the existing Transhab technology by finding ways to increase the internal volume supported by a pneumatic hull of roughly the same transport mass. The obvious solution is to decouple the previously built-in shielding from the pneumatic hull structure so as to allow more mass of structure to be dedicated to pressure containment. This would be achieved with the approach already developed for MUOF structures; using a space frame enclosure to provide a mounting frame for modular shield panels inside of which the new larger scale pneumatic hull can be inflated. The next improvement on this, allowing habitat enclosures of potentially any scale, would use of the isolated and controlled -if unpressurized- environment provided by the MUOF style enclosure to provide a working environment for the application of plastic materials to create a composite pressure hull. The outer shielding panel system would be complemented by an inner panel which provides the foundation for the application of sprayable plastic materials allowing for a pressure hull to be built-up in layers, using the core truss running through the enclosure as the platform on which all the fabrication equipment is mounted. In both these instances the end result is essentially the same; a large space frame enclosure of spherical or cylindrical form covered in modular panels with a pressure hull inside it and -at least initially- a core truss running through a polar axis.

How then do we use such structures to create a comfortable and attractive habitat for a large community? The basic architecture of the original MUOL and the Transhab are our guide. The core truss is the heart of the physical structure of the habitat -its primary structural element- and thus everything in it would tend to have to be attached to it. We have three possible configurations of the core truss. It can run down the polar axis of the structure as in the original Transhab, it can run along the inner surface of the hull structures, or it can do both as would be common with pressurized MUOF structures. The choice depends on how one wishes to use the space. A pressurized MUOF needs to maximize the use of the internal area while providing a common 'track' for service robots. It only needs as much open space as is necessary to move product around and service factory modules. Using both a truss frame to mount components along the inner hull and a truss through the center to mount more components and the robots to service them all makes sense. Human habitation needs open space to fight claustrophobia, distribute light, and provide a reserve of air to buffer thermal changes and pressure losses from punctures. One also needs speedy access to the surface of the pressure hull to effect repairs. This tends to favor an approach that concentrates the functional structures of the habitat on a central axis core truss -at least until one gets to extremely large scales where the relative thickness of habitat structures on the inner surface -plus a hull and utility access space behind them- is thin relative to the overall volume of the habitat. Thus we can anticipate that the likely architecture for these habitats would be what I call a 'tree-form' habitat with the core truss as the primary 'trunk' and the habitat branching out from it into the open space of the hull whose surface is intended to simulate a kind of sky or virtual window by serving as a light diffuser and video projection surface. In this way we can virtually create the kind of transparent hull enclosure envisioned by Marshal Savage, but using a composite 'video window' to present images of the exterior and heliostat systems to pipe safe UV and IR filtered sunlight into the habitat. Indeed, the larger and more robust this kind of habitat becomes the more the central habitat structure can be made to resemble a living tree by virtue of hosting hydroponics planting systems within its structures and perhaps ultimately hosting a cultured spherical tree grown about a hydroponic life support structure.

We thus arrive at a permanent settlement form that is quite similar to that envisioned by Marshal Savage only with its hull a composite geodesic hull structure. A great sphere or domed end cylinder inside which resides a great 'urban tree' and with large MUOF style radial structural extensions housing factories, farms, and docking structures at both its poles, large solar and radiator arrays congregating at the space-facing pole and telecom congregating at the Earth facing pole. The same mix of specialized passenger service vehicles and predominately automated service vehicles would be employed with specialized docking terminals employed for the manned spacecraft. If the settlement is not already in a GEO location it is likely in this phase to start becoming a staging area for GEO facilities which may ultimately replace LEO facilities as permanent settlements. This will mean supporting a new generation of inter-orbital shuttle vehicles.

Let's consider this urban tree, how it works, and the kind of living accommodations it might offer. There's a specific path of evolution from the simple Transhab-style structures of the outpost phase to this urban tree concept. The first Transhab habitats would lack much in the way of privacy and amenities being focused instead on minimizing mass and maximizing utility within a small space. The core truss of the Transhab would be the mounting structure for most everything in the habitat and privacy would be provided by fabric and foam partitions where necessary -though for the most part personal space would amount to a storage locker and a fabric and foam enclosure sleeping 'pod' strung on cables or placed within the hollow of the core truss. (if long enough) Since the outpost would only be hosting people for short duty cycles this need to deal with camping-style accommodations would not be a particular problem. The tree-like nature of the central truss structure would be apparent even in this stage. All the equipment used in the habitat is attached to, branches from, and radiates around this core structure, its interior space housing airlocks and the few features requiring a bit more privacy.

As larger size Transhab structures are used we can expect the simple sleeping pod to evolve into progressively larger and more elaborate personal dwelling units, though still based primarily on the same fabric and foam composition as this offers comfort and low mass. Additionally, many workstations would evolve into more enclosed structures such as cages, platforms, or capsule rooms. I envision a progression of these sleeping pods evolving toward a full 'dwelling pod' deriving in design from the example of the Japanese capsule hotel module which has been around since the 1960s and proven pretty functional. While having large open spaces that can emulate an 'outdoors' environment is important psychologically, too much space in a private dwelling is an inconvenience in microgravity because easy mobility requires an environment where there are plenty of hand-holds and such within arm's reach. Thus personal dwellings may normally not use large spans and spaces would always confine at least one dimension to about one to -at most- a few meter span. Thus the example of the capsule hotel module is a logical choice as the basis of microgravity dwelling design. Though the design of dwelling pods would tend to focus on maximizing the multifunctionality of a single personal space, they would be usable in clusters of rooms with an eventual evolution into a kind of three room apartment (main room, sleeping, and bathing/toilet) likely. Like the original sleeping pods they would consist primarily of fabric, foam, or high pressure rigidized pneumatic panels over a light frame of aluminum or pultruded fiberglass or carbon fiber composite As with the capsule hotel module, most fixtures would rely on built-ins and concealed compartments with light items attaching by velcro. With a high reliance on foams and fabrics, optical power distribution and the use of fiber optic ambient lighting may become standard as a means to minimize fire risks as well as reduce latent heat. Windows would be few and where they are used they would be dual-use, serving as exit portals as well as window openings. As they develop more sophistication in features, they may eventually support their own emergency life support, being sealable like a space suit in the event of a hull failure. Indeed, many features of these dwelling pods may mimic the engineering of space suit design, especially for ventilation and climate control.

Initial dwelling pod designs would tend to favor an industrial style functionalism but as they become more sophisticated and large we may see a small number of aesthetic styles develop. The three most likely are 'cellular' structures, 'modular curved space systems', and all-in-one dwelling pods.

Cellular designs derive directly from the capsule hotel model and would consist of a catalog of cellular room modules designed to 'pack' together sharing common geometrical faces. They would tend toward prismatic polygon shaped rooms; boxes, hexagonal and octagonal cells with triangular cell interstitial space for utilities. This form would be very popular where the interior of the core truss is used for personal dwelling space, but ultimately there would be insufficient volume in that region of the structure and its use as a transit via would become more important.

Modular curved space systems are something a bit newer and more interesting. Derived from the geometry of saddle polyhedra, curved space systems use modular components to produce flowing curved spaces and interconnecting tunnels that form a more organic structure. They've even been developed for children's play labyrinth structure. One promising type uses a combination of saddle-pentagon, saddle-hexagon, plane-hexagon, and plane-square panel shapes to make up the curved space network. The primary room shape is, of course, spherical and the number of flat plane-hexagon and plane-square panels in a structure would tend to be rather small, complicating the use of built-in fixtures. One advantage of this type of system is that it not only serves for individual dwellings but for large complexes of spaces and can become a primary surface structure for the entire habitat, concealing most of the frame structures used.

The all-in-one dwelling would employ a more free-form architecture to create a dwelling pod of complex internal shape and potentially large size -almost as large as conventional Earth homes. It could be more organic or use a hybrid of shapes, though it would tend to employ curved edges and corners and fairly simple exterior forms capable of nesting or clustering using connecting straps or cables. Many interesting external features are possible, such as cable-stayed terraces and built-in garden and aquarium units. These would be much larger than the other types of pods and their component systems and so would tend to rely on pneumatic rigidization structures inside them and the use of foam, alloy, or composite inserts which would allow the main sewn-fabric structure to be completely rolled-up or folded into a small package. They would have some issues of wear and obsolescence because of their uniform fabric material skins but they would also tend to be more creatively designed, offer better sound proofing, and be better suited to use as a whole as an emergency shelter. Such structures would also feature for mass solar flare shelters, featuring insert rad-shield panels and woven wire fabrics. Some of these may be deployable structures.

Initial use of dwelling pods would tend to be based on positioning them within the space of the core truss or immediately outside and attached to it. These early dwelling pods will usually have a single entrance. Ultimately the role of the core truss as a transit via would supersede most other uses, leading to dwelling pods which are arrayed radially outside it and use the space between truss chords to access entry portals. This generation of dwelling are likely to use at least two primary entrances; one facing the core truss and the other facing the exterior and serving as a main view window. As the Asgard settlement approaches the use of its full size habitats and full size urban tree structures, radiating branches from the core truss would be used to host clusters of dwelling pods instead. These dwellings may be arrayed around a common central space serving as a kind of neighborhood center with the branch truss running through it as a transit via and attachment point for shared facilities, gardens, and service systems. For large habitats where a high population density is an issue, we may see a cellular dwelling approach become predominate with these attached to a space frame paralleling the surface of the inner hull -leaving a gap large enough for each air flow and access to the inner hull for speedy repairs. The use of the hull surface as projection display and light diffuser is eliminated by this approach. Instead, the use of small lights along the inward facing side of the cellular dwellings would illuminate the interior space and obscure the sight of the cellular dwellings creating a sky dome effect. The central core would then tend to be dominated by commercial and recreational activity.

Decorative gardening would be a popular feature of the settlement, helping to compensate for the industrial feel of things. Most intensive farming would be done in a MUOF setting where conditions of light, humidity, and growing density can be optimized to make the most of limited space. But in the rest of the settlement gardening would serve functions of aesthetics, supplemental air purification, and humidity moderation. Due to the microgravity environment, all such gardening would be hydroponics based and tend to rely on techniques of capillary delivered nutrient film or aeroponic methods. Most planter units would take the form of self-contained planter capsules with elastic membrane plant-holding ports which can be mounted on or within other structures, rigid capillary tubing loops and columns to whose surface plants are attached to by their roots all along their length by an elastic webbing, and free-floating planters which host spherical clusters of plants attached to a computer-controlled feeder ball and which drift about the open spaces on the internal air currents using thin transparent elastomeric fan-like sails much in the manner of a Man-O-War jellyfish. Species with climbing tendancies and tolerance of low diffuse light would be preferred, though supplemental lighting could be used for some planters. The most sophisticated of gardening systems likely to be employed on Asgard would be the 'cybertree' system which cultivates an enormous living tree about the core truss structure. This is done by exploiting a phenomenon called 'inosculation' where trunks or branches of like plant species (and ideally genetically matched by propogation of cuttings) will fuse and grow together into one to create a single larger plant. Long toyed with as the basis of decorative gardens in centuries past using a technique called 'pleaching', the technique has in recent years been explored by sustainable and avant-garde architects as a means for the cultivation of living houses. On Asgard this technique could be used to turn the urban tree of a habitat into a living tree by applying an array of capillary feeder panels to the outside of the core truss and a series of truss branches, cultivating a continguous fused tree-trunk on the feeder panels using large numbers of saplings generated by tissue culture cloning. The process would take some decades to complete but the end result would be a core structure completely enclosed by living plant material with its center still hollow and usable as transit vias and a conduit for utilities servicing dwelling pods clustered like fruit among this cybertree's branches.

Mobility throughout the settlement would be based primarily on human power but as everything grows in scale the need for powered transit assistance would be necessary. Of particular concern are the large open spaces about the core tree which would be very popular for recreation but offer no hand-holds within easy reach. The solution may be the use of a kind of hand-held ducted fan or jet unit that works similarly to the small hand-carried tow motors used by scuba divers and which can be kept attached to oneself on a tether. A similar device may find use for quick tracked transit along the core truss or across large open spaces using a tether or track called a 'zip cord'. The zip cord would basically be one half of a linear motor with the handhold serving as the other half. Clamping the handhold to the track and pulling a trigger engages the linear motor, allowing one to be pulled along at speeds varied by a thumb-wheel. Breaking is automatic with the release of the trigger and releasing one's hold on the handhold would completely deactivate it. Sensors on the zip cord also send a feedback signal to engage automatic breaking when two units are in proximity along the line. Small payloads can be attached to the handhold as well using straps with carabiner locks. A variant of the zip cord system may use a simple elastic single-strap harness on a rigid shuttle attached at two points to the zip cord. The user would wrap one leg and arm around the harness strap and use a control pallet on the strap to activate the unit. This unit would be limited to a fixed speed and have a feature that can read codes embedded in the zip cord to allow one to travel long distances automatically by typing in a destination code on the control pallet. A similar device would be used strictly as a payload carrier pallet and allowed to travel unattended.

A number of fully and semi autonomous service robots would also be likely on the settlement with some used primarily for the transport of large bulky high mass items. Key among these would be a carrier pallets and containers similar in design to those used for the MUOL's module transport but relying on small ducted fans for propulsion. Other free-roaming robots would include scrubbers which scour the air for free-floating liquids and debris, limpet cleaner robots which clean the flat surfaces of the structure using non-chemical adhesive tracks to haul them along surfaces they are cleaning, and small inspection and voice-activated personal computer robots much like those NASA has already developed for ISS use. Ducted fans and, in come cases, nitrogen gas jets would be common propulsion for such free-floating robots, affording movement at a modest pace around the station rather like deep-sea submersibles and marine robots.

Recreation on the settlement would be critical to both general well-being and the commercial viability of tourism but presents complications because one must incorporate every form of recreation offered within the structures of the settlement and a great many activities aren't possible in the microgravity environment. (there won't be a lot of bicycling and snow-boarding on Asgard...) New forms of recreation must be devised to compensate for those which must be left back on Earth. The microgravity environment itself will probably feature as the basis of many recreational activities with new games, dance forms, and types of theatre devised and, of course, needing their own permanent or deployable structures to accommodate them. Spectator sports, of course, present certain design complications in a microgravity environment because of the tendency of all enclosure surfaces to double as vaulting surfaces. This makes the design and placement of windows tricky, perhaps calling for the use of netting structures or new soft transparent materials superior to the transparent vinyl common today.

Observation chambers and lounges will be a likely feature of the settlement, elaborating on those employed in early space tourism facilities. Some may be designed to focus on views of the Earth and others on the immersion into the space environment. Suited space walks -though perhaps becoming a form of recreation- will always be inconvenient and hazardous even with the advent of technology such as mechanical counter-pressure suits. Children especially will be barred from such activity in general. So for the casual space-walk experience of the observation sphere or dome will probably be preferred. As the settlement becomes larger these too would increase in size as the techniques used to build the settlement afford the option of fabrication of these transparent shells on orbit rather than having them imported from Earth. However, they are unlikely to ever be suitable as habitat hulls due to their susceptibility to debris impact and lack of radiation shielding. They may never be usable at all outside of LEO locations. Advancing video technology may ultimately compete with this technology, allowing the virtual transparency offered by video displays on the habitat hull to progressively improve to where it becomes truly indistinguishable from a natural windowless view.

The use of water as the basis of recreation in space has often been proposed but requires the use of new technologies for the containment of large volumes of fluid in microgravity. A popular concept has been the low-g swimming pool which uses either a rotating structure or a series of peristaltic pumps to contain water by establishing a flow or current with just enough centrifugal force to keep the water contained, fans being used to drive stray water droplets to the main water surface. Superdroplet pools have also been proposed, consisting of gigantic droplets of water entrained by fans and acoustic waves.

As very large habitats are realized the zip cord system could become the basis of a recreational activity in the form of various styles of racing or perhaps thrill rides. Tow thruster racing might also become a form of recreation. Solar sailer racing has, in recent years, been proposed as a commercial sponsored professional sport and any established orbital settlement of scale is likely to be a logical location to host such activities, though this would not generally lend itself to any large participation, serving more as a spectator sport.

Spiritual pursuits may see some significant application as a form of recreation on the settlement, especially for those practices which have potential health maintenance benefits as well. For instance, meditation and yogic practices would find a suitable environment in microgravity, especially when one considers the potential for sensory deprivation afforded by carefully designed dwelling pods and the high freedom of physical movement one has when free of the forces of gravity. Whole new systems of yogic and tai chi exercise might be developed for use in the space environment. Most overt religious practice, however, would tend to be problematic in such small communities. Due to their inherent cultural, racial, gender, and class predjudices, there really are no religions in the world today that are psychologically healthy and safe in such dense culturally diverse communities -as much as contemporary theologians would deny this fact. Their introduction would invariably lead to social conflict and so social codes should probably confine their practice to private activity. However, conflicts over seasonal religious and psuedo-religious displays -the Christmas season decorations in particular- are probably unavoidable.

It is possible that the dominant form of recreation in the space settlement will be media based. The use of digital text, audio, video media, the many forms of computer games, and the many forms of computer based arts and crafts will present a great economy in terms of space and material when providing recreation. But the sedentary nature of such activities does present important health ramifications in an environment where physical activity is critical in fighting the negative biophysical effects of micrigravity. And telecommunications latency will, again, become an issue in participation in many forms of interactive Internet based entertainment such as games and live chat venues. Most media use would tend to be personal and rely on personal media appliances -mostly likely employing multi-use devices as the cost for highly specialized media devices would be high. But with the inner hull of the habitats being able to double as display screens, their use as public video theater displays could result in a lot of media oriented social events. This would be especially appropriate with spectator sports.

A diversity of hobbies are also likely and, owing the the demographics of the majority of initial settlement inhabitants, these are likely to be technically oriented and have a practical as well as entertainment aspect. The most obvious of such hobbies, of course, would be gardening with both its aesthetic value and its value as the basis of cultivating new techniques to increase the spectrum of plant species that can be cultivated, the performance of hydroponics systems, and the products one might produce with plant materials. The special conditions of microgravity pose great complications for the cultivation of plants and the design of both industrial and decorative planter systems, offering a new field of infinite possibilities for the inventive gardener. Pets are a possibility, though very few animals would be practical companions in the microgravity environment. Marshal Savage envisioned birds as popular pets for both marine and space settlers, though we are more likely to see fish, a few crustaceans like hermit crabs, large tropical insects, and insectivorous or herbivorous climbing reptiles as more likely pets. Not exactly the most cuddly collection of creatures, but their care is better suited to the environment in space would produce techniques useful for mariculture and agriculture. Of course, a home on orbit is the amateur astronomer and HAM radio enthusiast's ultimate dream and so these are likely hobbies as well, though the external space to mount equipment for these activities may be in limited supply. Various forms of recreational robotics may become common, ranging from such things as racing of miniature fan thruster vehicles or fanciful model sailing vessels that cruise the internal air currents of the station, to the creation of fanciful robotic pets to compensate for the impracticality of most living animals as pets, to the development of automated solar sail spacecraft. It is possible that robotics enthusiasts might turn hobbies into vocations, developing their own robotics systems for the exploration, prospecting, and teleoperated base settlement of asteroids, the Moon, and other planets -a far more rewarding hobby than the usual model train layout. Media production is another likely hobby and one could expect some residents to turn their spare time to the creation of news blogs, amateur TV programs, and the like using life on the orbital settlement as their primary subject. These activities might later form the basis of the settlement's own mass-media industry as the community grows in scale. (indeed, one can only account for NASA's failure to have already established a regular weekly TV program broadcast from the ISS to their fundamental lack of imagination. Can one possibly imagine a better venue for a global science and technology news program?)

Sexual activity should not be overlooked as an important form of recreation as well as a normal aspect of human daily activity -though it has tended to for most of the history of the first space age thanks to the infantile mock prudishness and misogyny of academics, government bureaucrats, senior engineers, and corporate executives. To date, few scientists, engineers, physicians, or futurists have had the bravery and adult sensibility to give this activity serious consideration but it is most definitely going to be a key factor in people's well-being and for the bottom-line of tourism. While the first wave of space tourism will be largely male dominated and focused on nostalgia for the anachronisms of first space age with a necessary lack of privacy precluding any intimate activity, later tourism must accommodate a much broader spectrum of amenities and this includes the need to accommodate sexual activity. There is simply no denying that for a great many potential space tourists the imagined novelty of sexual intercourse in a microgravity environment is going to be a key attraction and accommodating and enhancing the experience for that activity will be important to the success of tourism in general. Indeed, it amazes me that the porn industry -forever in search of new novelties for its media and no stranger to SciFi themes no matter how cheesy- has not as yet even explored the techniques of current space theme film making to try and emulate this activity in its media. Strange as it sounds, they might actually be able to contribute more in the way of practical R&D relating to this than any government space agency.

Much with this issue would fall under the province of the design of dwelling pods which would -because of the potentially different mechanics involved- need some rooms to be specifically engineered to accommodate this activity for maximum convenience and pleasure. However, specially engineered 'sex rooms' would tend to be unpopular because their special addition to a dwelling would incur some embarrassment as it openly communicates one's private intentions. So accommodating this activity would have to be a standard element in dwelling design and features associated with it subtly included in the design. The designers of hotel accommodations understand the logic of this quite well -or at least the more successful ones do. The space habitat would tend to offer fewer venues for personal privacy than is typical on Earth until it achieved very large scales and great economy in the construction of space. Thus the places where people might be able to engage in sex would be few and the use of private dwellings for this would predominate -though human beings have proven quite inventive and adaptive in this regard. But as most adults well know, the long popularity of hotels, automobiles, and the like as locations for sexual rendezvous is based on the desire to keep such rendezvous discreet, especially when couples are not married or of the same sex. This becomes a tricky issue in an environment where unobserved access even to one's own dwellings may be difficult. Variations in location are also an important factor in the enjoyment of sex and we must take into account that the essential fantasy associated with sex in space is based on the vision of sex 'in space' -in some analogous environment to the open space environment of EVA. It would be rather difficult to employ public observation lounges in this way or to make numerous small domes like this for this activity so some inventiveness would be needed here. And there are medical issues to address when it comes to pregnancy and birth control with pregnancy probably meaning forced eviction to Earth until the effects of microgravity on long-term child development are clearly determined. Contemporary culture -Western culture especially- remains rather primitive in its attitudes toward sexuality and in recent years we've seen quite a reversal in the state of sexual sophistication. This will definitely have its impact. Would the orbital settlement see a more progressive shift in its cultural attitudes to accommodate its different situation? Perhaps only time will tell.

Asgard Colonial phase:

This phase of development would be marked by the creation of the largest of orbital settlements practical with the EvoHab technology and the creation of multiple such settlements as LEO locations are ultimately abandoned (or converted into transfer stations) for GEO locations and eventually Lagrange Points. This is the point where Asgard ends and Solaris begins; the transition from settlement of Earth orbit to the colonization of orbital space throughout the solar system. By this phase the infrastructure of remote resource utilization would be robust enough for the economy of the Asgard settlement (or settlements) to have begun a comprehensive shift from Earth market dependency to local market self-sufficiency. While the settlement phase was marked by the initial establishment of a space resource utilization infrastructure, limited industrial diversity would have maintained a strong reliance on the Earth economy, self sufficiency seen primarily as a means to improving the bottom-line of export goods production. But now the local industrial capability of Asgard should be sufficient to support a completely independent civilization with virtually all goods produced by domestic industry. Asgard would enter a phase of escalating import deficit with ramifications in terms of the economic and political leverage that represents.

LEO is ultimately an impractical location for settlement due to the instability of orbits there. No settlement built in that location is likely to be sustainable long term or be particularly useful when deploying spacecraft to other parts of the solar system. Indeed, the development of a comprehensive Space Elevator system may result in an abandonment of most LEO satellite use in order that the threat of tether impacts be eliminated. But the reliance on GEO positions and beyond presents new challenges in the design of the habitat and the spacecraft that serve it due to the loss of protection from the Earth's magnetosphere. Radiation exposure now becomes a much more critical issue in the lives of permanent orbital settlement inhabitants and new technologies will be needed to address this. One likely development in this respect is the creation of plasma shield systems for use as artificial magnetospheres, both for habitat structures and spacecraft. In its infancy today, such technology could potentially allow for the continued use of transparent observation domes on settlements, keep physical shielding masses to volumes only sufficient for impact shielding, and eliminate the need for special heavily shielded mass shelters for solar flare emergencies. They may also serve extra duty for attitude control through solar wind deflection. Nanotechnology is likely to emerge as a key factor in this phase but will likely be in the NanoChip and NanoFoundry phases of its development in this period and so will not likely impact structural design except in terms of component performance and fabrication technique.

Scale is the primary change for Asgard architecture in this phase with individual habitat enclosures reaching their largest practical size using EvoHab components and new clustered habitat structures -forming fractal branching arrays of such habitat spaces each with their own urban tree into a single complex- allowing for truly vast communities. Not much else in terms of habitat design may change unless -as is likely to be finally determined by this time- it becomes clear that there is no clinical solution to microgravity degeneration of the human body. If this proves to be the case than in this phase a radical shift in habitat design would take place beginning with the creation of hybrid artificial gravity habitats as described in my previous descriptions of the Asgard stage.

Deriving from systems for precision controlled gravitation in MUOF facilities and possible exercise facilities on earlier settlements, this hybrid rotating habitat would incorporate the use of a gravity deck ring or cylinder supported by magnetic bearings which would rotate within, and independently of, the usual microgravity EvoHab structure. Used primarily for residential space as habitation there would represent the majority of the daily activity cycle, the design of structures would be radically different from that of the dwelling pods of the urban tree habitat. Though still relying on a materials composition of fabric, foam, and light alloy or composite components, the design of dwellings would tend toward a one or two storey townhouse style of configuration relying on long circumference avenues or series of sunken atriums to create an 'outdoor' space providing light and transit between the dwellings. Where the gravity deck is sufficiently wide, a reef-like arrangement of sprawling avenue networks or varied shaped sunken atriums may be employed to allow for the roof space of dwellings to double as recreational garden space -though the need to minimize structural mass on the gravity deck would limit the scale of this gardening. Views of the surrounding structure -and possibly the central core as well- would have to be obscured to prevent vertigo and thus the habitat may have to employ light diffusing screen structures to create translucent skylights over the gravity deck. This would offer some useful experience for the design of later subterranean habitats for lunar and planetary settlement. These structures would generally follow a style of interior design consistent with Earth dwellings, will full storey height and normal portals. But they would also need to be designed to accommodate both microgravity and gravity conditions since, early on, the gravity deck is likely to see frequent slows and stops as its technology is refined and as it deals with periodic transfers of large bulk materials and components during phases of construction. This would call for a high reliance on built-in fixtures, positive connection of all structure, and relatively small spaces that can be easily moved about in during microgravity conditions.

Transition between the rotating and non-rotating portions of the structure would be accomplished through the use of a shuttle system on the edge of the gravity deck that would employ alternate braking on tracks connected to the gravity deck and the outer structure to alternately decelerate and accelerate a shuttle car. The shuttle car would then dock at a stationary microgravity station where access to the core structure would be provided by zip cord.

With the availability of gravity many traditional forms of terrestrial recreation may become available but limited space would still limit the range of activities that can be supported. But small court sports activities and other types of recreation common to urban settings may prove practical.

The use of such hybrid artificial gravity habitats would not be practical at very large scales, the use of gravity decks employed primarily as a retrofit to existing settlements. Rotating habitats cannot use volumetric space as efficiently as microgravity habitats and thus real estate on these gravity decks would be costly. They would not support extensive gardening because of mass limitations and so might actually present less of a naturalistic feel to their living environment than the microgravity habitats. Thus as new artificial gravity based habitats are built it would be much more practical to employ whole-rotating structures simply to increase their potential economy, usable in-gravity surface area, and mass capacity -though their cost would still be quite high in comparison to microgravity structures. As previously described, these habitats would employ the EvoHab structural technology as the basis of a wound-hull system, using the enclosure space frame as a winding form for laminate tapes of nanofiber which ultimately bear the structural loads and provide pressure containment while providing matrixes of connector sockets for the attachment of replaceable shield panels and other exterior fixtures and simple structural columns and decking on the interior. Using strictly cylindrical shapes and with spherical end-caps akin to conventional EvoHab hulls (as they would not bear the loads of the primary cylinder walls) these habitats would feature a reduced core truss structure serving primarily as a support for a membrane light diffuser system for sunlight collected by exterior heliostat arrays and piped into the habitat by vacuum core fiber optic tubing or rigid light guides -a simpler, safer, and more economical solution than the vast window structures proposed with previous orbital colony designs. It may also host some microgravity facilities along the core truss but would need to keep them within very close proximity of the polar axis of the structure to maintain the microgravity conditions -and even then it would still tend to be low-g. This type of structure would be designed to support expansion in all dimensions but with easiest expansion along its polar axis through incremental extensions of the underlying winding form truss structure at the perimeter of the main cylinder walls followed by migration through concentric layers of the end-caps.

Exploiting the virtues of nanofiber materials, these structures could readily achieve circumferences orders of magnitude greater than anything imagined by the classic space colony visionaries of the 1970s -as NASA engineers have already surmised. And even as they reach their maximum circumference, they longitudinal expansion would be unlimited. Indeed, it is not infeasible to consider the use of these habitats ringing entire Earth orbits. (or, as I proposed for the Solaris stage, entire solar orbits) Yet they would still face a problem with the efficient use of their interior space because, as vast as they would be, little of their interior volume would actually be usable. All functional space is at the cylinder surface. Thus there would be a constant competition for space between human habitat and surface area for the cultivation of gardens and parkland. Early smaller habitats of this type may deal with this problem by confining residence to a select handful of sunken avenues and atriums employing a few levels of terracing akin to the 'tectonic' architecture employed on the Aquarius marine colonies. Deeper interior space would thus be relegated to more industrial uses. However, at the maximum habitat scale we can expect the number of deck levels supported by the hull structure to approximate the height of contemporary super-skyscrapers. This would result in the creation of a vast intricately articulated tectonic landscape of vast terraced valleys and mountain forms very much like those of the Aquarius marine colonies and offering an effectively identical style of residential architecture based on terrace-edge dwellings built up of modular partition components within a 'wedding cake' style deck system. Some of these terraced mountain forms may be used to create periodically spaced access towers to the central core, allowing both human traffic to the facilities there but also providing conduits for the light from the external surface mounted heliostat arrays and a system of MagLev docking shuttles used to provide spacecraft access along the sides of the habitat rather than just the ends.

One key problem with such habitats is that they would not be able to internally host the full compliment of microgravity industrial activities that are vital to their subsistence. These would have to be hosted on separate structures using the original structural approaches of MUOL and MUOF. The use of large counter-rotating pressure-sealed hubs to transition between full-g and zero-g regions of a habitat, as has been a mainstay of the space stations featured in classic space futurism and sci-fi, is likely to prove very problematic in reality as the hub structures must continually rotate without wear for an indefinite duty life. The larger both full-g and zero-g portions become relative to each other the more problems any temporary halt of the rotating portions due to hub failure becomes. For the large habitat this could be quite the disaster. Non-contact counter-rotating hubs based on simpler magnetic bearings -derived from the same technology employed for the hybrid rotating habitat systems- could be employed to provide a true microgravity environment for structures within the enclosure of the full-g structure at the habitat core or outside at the center of the end caps. This may also be employed to provide a non-contact counter-rotation interface to radiating structures about the outer cylinder walls. Transfer capsule shuttles -likewise on magnetic bearings- would then be used to transfer between regions. However, the simplest, and perhaps most likely strategy may be to employ a toroidal topology in the configuration of the full-g hull structure so that one has two structural cores, the inner-one non-pressurized and using magnetic bearings to isolate it from the wall of the outer one. This arrangement may allow for the simplest design of transfer capsules to move people and goods between the two regions while maintaining a structural design most consistent with the previous types of EvoHab structures.

Future nanotech materials may solve this problem in the form of 'psuedosolids'; materials formed of precision interlocking molecular structures that are rigid and can contain pressure yet will allow their molecular components to roll or slide with little friction along a specific axis almost like gears while maintaining a strong rigid molecular bond along all other axis. This would allow one to create pressurized tunnels or hub sleeves that can twist infinitely without ever coming apart. Today, though, such materials are pure speculation.

Asgard and the Space Elevator:

Let us now consider the effect of Space Elevator development on the course of Asgard development. As I described previously, the MUOL and the first generation Space Elevator would be logical companions as the MUOL's initial payload needs are within the likely capacity of early tether climber systems. For the MUOL to accommodate SE use its structure must maintain a position adjacent to the tether within reach of its robot arms and may employ robots with a longer reach than usual for this purpose. This would favor an orientation where the service-side of the station plane truss faces the tether and, when the MUOF stage is reached and the station scale is sufficient, its folds into a bay wrapping around the tether. This may require a very large bay section in order to accommodate the passing of tether climbers, since they must also deliver payloads to other higher altitude points along the tether length. There would be no other particular change in the design of the MUOL except that, in order to be a part of the SE system, it would be compelled to employ a GEO location along the tether from the start. Without the SE GEO locations are more costly to support because of the larger launch systems needed reach them and the possible need for LEO stations as inter-orbit transfer stations. But the SE would effectively eliminate that extra cost making its use no more expensive -if not actually cheaper. However, this economy would not extend to passenger transit for a very long time due to the initial inability of the SE system to support payloads of such size or provide high transit speeds.

This would be an ideal situation for Asgard development as communications latency is low and constant for GEO locations, whereas the LEO facility would see latency which continuously varies over a very large range from very short to very long. GEO locations are also much more useful for transit to the rest of the solar system and much more stable. But GEO locations are beyond the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere and this presents complications for initial deployment of manned habitats as they must employ much heavier radiation shielding. This may compel the acceleration of the development of plasma shield systems or the use of EvoHab structures whose modular external shield panels would allow for much thicker shielding. It may also mean that tourism must do without the novelty of transparent observation domes unless plasma shield technology is realized before-hand.

Another advantage to SE use is that an Aquarius colony becomes the logical location for the Downstation facility supporting the SE and this means an acceleration in the exploitation of industrial capability on the MUOL as the marine colony would be able to host complimentary portions of production with a direct link between Earth and space. This means that in the production of products using space produced materials or components the space production facilities can be seen as an integrated component in a surface-based production system, though transit times on the tether would initially be some weeks long. As Asgard and the SE grow so too would Aquarius in the traditional coastal urban role of nexus for intermodal transport. Aquarius -and any subsequent SE equipped marine colonies- would become Earth's premier interface to space, resulting in its development to a scale perhaps never imagined by Marshal Savage.

Current SE project schemes seem to have put little thought into the long term development of the technology. I remain puzzled by how their project developers and advocates seem to perceive any suggestion of the eventual development of systems beyond the scale of their initial thin tape traction climber based technologies as pure science fiction. There simply is no question that for the SE to become a vital transportation technology in competition with other launch systems it must pursue a continual expansion in scale and capability, which would imply a relatively straightforward strategy based on incremental tether expansion by laminate addition of nanofiber tapes. As I've described in previous articles, I envision SE expansion to be initially based on a simple thickening of the tether and then a transition into a polygonal section corrugated structure with a series of channels or tubes which would eventually host different functions including MagLeg driven elevators and data, power, and possibly molar materials transportation using channels as waveguides for laser and maser beams. At terminal points the sectional volume of the tether would be expanded around truss forms to allow the internal channels to be individually accessed through exterior portals while at the same time not causing any reduction of the mass of tether laminate structure. These terminal point portals may ultimately host MUOF structures and Transhab habitats using the tether as a primary attachment point, though until the tether was quite large an outer truss structure is more likely to increase attachment surface area. This could lead to the development of the use of the tether as a direct replacement for the core truss of large habitats, an urban tree habitat being physically attached to it.

Some visionaries have suggested the ultimate development of a vast GEO urban ring as a result of the development of multiple SE systems and their link-up along the GEO path. It has been suggested that in this way the stability of individual SE tethers would be further increased allowing for even larger scale expansion. Considering the potential of the SE tether as a replacement for a core truss in an EvoHab structure, we can easily imagine how this GEO urban ring could be created simply by fabricating a tether along the GEO trajectory and enclosing it in an EvoHab hull to allow it to host that urban tree all along its length. Artificial gravity habitats would need to employ either the hybrid gravity deck strategy previously described or use a toroidal topology hull with magnetic bearings around the tether core. The potential carrying capacity of such a structure would be truly vast -yet insignificant when one considers that the exact same approach could be employed for solar orbits! We will look further into that possibility in a later article on the Solaria stage.

Eric Hunting
